Name: Fallon Valentine Age: 74 but appearance is 16-19 Appearance: [img=] (Not wearing those cloths of course, just closest picture I could get to what she looks like) Ability: Psychokinesis, Mainly Mind reading and Controlling things with her mind Crime: Murder Personality: Fallon is very quiet, shy, nervous and cautious. She doesn't talk a lot. When she is angry she will babble, mumble and scream. Leading up to her angry outbursts she will twitch and yelp. That's a warning sign to leave her alone or for the guards to remove her. Bio: Fallon was born in 1950. At the age of 5 she would constantly talk to herself. Her parents worried, they took her to a doctor. The doctor diagnosed her with schizophrenia. Her parents tried to cope with her, but she just got worse. She would hurt other children and blame the voice in her head. At the age of 16, her parents dumped her at a Mental Hospital. She got a little better, but then declined and got so much worse. The only way to help her was shock treatment. It worked the first couple of days, but then something went wrong. The volts were too much and killed Fallon. The hospital hid her body for 3 days in the nurse staff room. They obviously presumed she was completely dead. But she wasn't. One night, that shock had triggered something inside her, something horrible. She awoke from her bed, the sheet over her face slid off. She walked down the halls. Every person she walked passed dropped dead where they stood. Every single person in that hospital dropped dead. The wardens, the nurses, the doctors and patients. Everyone, dead. Fallon didn't get far before she collapsed at the doors of the hospital. Soon to be found by police checking on the hospital. Since then she has been in and out of hospitals and prisons, no where was she able to stay more then a few weeks before, destroying something or nearly killing someone. Until she was finally sent to this Prison. She should be in an asylum, but no place had the equipment to handle her. No one knows why she doesn't age, or why she has these powers. On some days, her powers get unstable, so she is forced to wear a large metal helmet. The bracelet also helps her gain some control, so she can't kill anyone, even if she wanted to, but she can break things and if out of control, harm people, but not kill them. Other: Helmet: [img=]