[img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080702105049/dragonica/images/6/66/Concept_Thief.jpg[/img] [i]Birth Name:[/i] Alexei Jett [i]Name origin:[/i] His mother and father named their first child Alexei, hoping that he would grow to protect his younger siblings in the future. [i]Alias:[/i] Drexel of Blood, Blood Hunter [i]Gender:[/i] Boy [i]Skin tone:[/i] Tan [i]Hair Color:[/i] silver/white [i]Eye Color:[/i] Blue/Green [i]Height:[/i] 4' 9" [i]Body Build:[/i] Lean [i]Faction:[/i] The Mad Queen [i]Affiliation:[/i] Evil [i]Backstory:[/i] In his early life, Drexel was called Alexei Jett, and was the eldest of three siblings. Before the rise of the Prophet Bellatrix, he lived a nice, somewhat mundane life. He, his sister, and his brother would explore their boundaries, playing games that involved hiding and running, and climbing large objects just to see what may have hiding from their sight. Their parents would care for them and scold them like any other parent to their children. It was a normal life. Of course, he did not get to where he was, living a normal life. At one point in his life, his family travelled to meet with their relatives. On the way, they were attacked by bandits, and the child, Alexei, was rendered unconscious. When he awoke again, he found himself bound by ropes. His family was nowhere to be seen, but the bandits were. They captured him, planning to sell him off for money, or use him as bait for food. They met an unfortunate end. They camped close to a nest of strong, nocturnal predators whose nest was well-hidden during the day. Within moments, their shuffling through the grass and trees and bushes caught the bandit group's attention. Before they could move away, the predators attacked. It was Alexei's first experience of slaughter. Blood was shed, fueling his fear. He was lucky to escape the ropes that bound him. He ran, for minutes, maybe hours, Alexei ran. One of the predators chased him, seeking its own meal. Alexei was truly lucky that night, for a stronger nocturnal predator appeared to devour the weaker one. Hiding in a bush, Alexei watched as the two fought. The stronger predator impaired its opponent, breaking its limbs and spilling blood into the grass. After finishing off its prey, Alexei was left to inspect the remains. This was his second experience with slaughter. This time, however, curiosity within his mind began to spark. For a year, Alexei was lost within the forest, and had to become a hunter of sorts to survive. He learned how to make traps for prey, and fought predators with a sharpened rock, using the same tactics as the strong predator he had watched before. At some point, he developed an interest in blood. Every time he killed, it's stench filled his nostrils. Every time he ate, its taste enveloped his tongue. Alexei was eventually found by a traveler who hailed from the Kingdom of Night, and was taken in. For years afterward, the hunter raised Alexei as his own, and taught him how to fight with a Katar Blade. The two traveled together, and Alexei obtained a chain with blades at the end. It was a gift from the traveler, for being like a son to him. During their time together, the traveler taught him about the gods. Alexei knew about them, but never had the chance to truly know about them. His interest in the gods grew large, and he found himself to be praying alongside the traveler every now and then. Life was not normal anymore, but it was still nice. The day the traveler died was the day he started to loath the gods. The traveler had fallen gravely ill, but no matter how many prayers he made to them, the traveler still died. He never understood why. They had created and controlled so much, and yet they would not listen to one small person's request? He began to curse at them, and let in a powerful hatred. After marking a grave for the traveler, Alexei decided to go to the kingdom of Night. He wanted to see what place the traveler was from. By the time he arrived, Bellatrix had come into power, and he heard many people speak of her. What caught Alexei's attention was the belief that she would take control of Vahara in place of the gods. This was something that he wanted to see. It was something he hoped would happen. The age of gods put at an end, and the age of mortals begin. In an attempt to assist her, he enlisted himself into her army as a simple soldier going by going by the name, Drexel, the same name as the Traveler Alexei had lived with for so many years. At first, he simply helped with defense, making several traps that impeded their enemies' progress and allowed the Queen's forces regroup and strategize. Eventually, however, he showed his true worth in combat. He almost amazed other soldiers after his first battle. Drexel was covered from head to toe in blood. Those who bore witness to his combat skills and relentless hunting of enemies, nicknamed him the Blood Hunter. [i]Strengths:[/i] -Skilled with traps, ensnarement, chains, and Katar Blades -Flexible, evasive, and agile. -skilled in parkour -Aims to impair enemies in combat to gain more of an advantage. [i]Weaknesses:[/i] -Lacks strong armor -Mainly uses an improvised, impromptu fighting style -Strength is average