[b] Zivon [/b] Kathy answered his question but not really in a way. He probably had to go to the main office and ask. Then he could go out and buy the ingredients. He nodded at her understanding what she said. “Ok-ay…” Then she snapped her fingers and gave small smile. “I almost forgot, here.” She wrote something on napkin and split it in half, she gave one half to him and another to Eric. It had numbers on it; he looked at her wondering what it was. “It’s my phone number. Text me here with your name and I’ll add you to my contacts. Feel free to let me know if you need help with something or just want to have a leisurely chat at some point.” … …. He didn’t own a phone…He looked at the napkin awkwardly and put in down on the table. “I…don’t ow-n a pho-ne…” He replied embarrassedly, phones were too much on him and his dad before so they couldn’t afford one. After saying that he heard a familiar voice, he turned around to see Dani. He waved at him. Dani who looked….fine from yesterday night, he made his way to the table. Zivon then asked Dani. “He-y Dani, yeste-rday was p-retty…scary, la-ter I am m-aking some din-ner in my do-rm for Crash, Kat-hy and Oona, you wan-na go?” He asked