Alex couldn’t help but feel like she had wasted an opportunity. First time awake at half past five in the morning, and she does not a whole lot with it. Moving through the town, she tried to assess the damage done by the storm – as far as she could tell, it wasn’t too bad, but at the same time, she never went up to people to actually directly ask them. Which probably would have been a lot smarter. As nothing was really open, she just went back home and changed out of her winter clothing, and made sure to brush her hair again. Apparently, the storm was largely deceptive of what the temperature would actually be, and changed into her spring clothing – a cream blouse with a tan and light jacket, with a knee high black skirt. She stared at the mirror and tried to detect any discrepancies. Standard fare. She checked her watch: 6:35. Considering that she normally got up at 10:30 -- at best -- this was an incredibly jarring experience. But it was an experience! A chance to grow as a person! To conquer the social world and her quest to becoming a charming bartender! She realised that she was standing with her fist raised triumphantly in the air, and suddenly felt incredibly silly. A deep crimson blush made its way to her face despite being completely alone, so she ceased her stupid shenanigans and left the house to go do something productive for once. [u][i]7:05am : Isis’ Flower Shoppe : Sunny[/i][/u] Alex stood out in front of the flower shop, and quite honestly, wasn’t sure what she was doing. Looking to the side where the greenhouse was, she could see it had taken a bit of damage from the storm. She wasn’t quite sure why, but this made it all the more awkward for her to actually go into the shop. Alex would often try her hand at planting flowers at the start of a season – so her trips to the store were infrequent, just a few times a year, maybe more if she was having some trouble. The problem was, this meant that every trip to the store was an arduous task of unfamiliarity. She had stopped being nervous about going to the bar a while ago because she literally went there nearly every single day to work. While she had managed her previous visits to the shop before, those visits were usually at a time of day when there were other people in the store – and when the greenhouse wasn’t damaged. She wasn’t sure why that last bit was important to her mustering up courage, but it was [i]somehow[/i]. Taking a deep breath, she [i]steeled her courage![/i]... to… walk into a… flower store. A sudden wave of discouragement swept through her. She wondered just what the hell was wrong with her. It had to change, or she doubted she would even be able to function as a human being. Stepping into the store with a new-found depression, she found Isis, the friendly, lightly pinked hair florist. She glanced around the store briefly, and tried to put on a smile – although her nerves were now slowly increasing with every step towards the woman. She wouldn't be able to accurately pinpoint [i]why[/i]. “H-hi!” she said, trying to sound less nervous than she was. “So I, uh, figured I would…” she trailed off as her mind blanked. Why would it blank? Why did it have to happen now? What was she doing here again? “Flowers!” she suddenly blurted out, and realised how utterly stupid that must have seemed, her face now blushing madly. “R-right. I'm, uh, getting seeds. For planting.” Why did she say that last bit? What else would she use them for?! “Any… um, recommendations? For this season?"