If you don't know what HeroScape is, it was a table-top miniature war game that had a varied cast of characters to use. There were ninjas, monks, samurai, knights, and WWII soldiers, as well futuristic robots, agents, aliens, elves, dragons, orcs, and so much more. It wasn't as complex as other table-top war games, but the system worked. Anyway, every character had a card, and there were two types of cards: Heroes, and Squads. Heroes were strong individuals, while Squads were weaker but had 2-4 characters. Each character has 4 statistics. Heroes had a fifth statistic, and that was their life; they could sustain a certain amount of damage before being defeated, while Squad characters could be killed as soon as there defense was broken through. The other statistics were: Move - How many spaces this character can move. Water and elevation would play a role in hindering the movement of a character. Range - How many spaces away this character can attack. Melee characters had a range of 1. Attack - How much attack dice this character rolls when they attack. Defense - How much defense dice this character rolls when they are attacked. But each character also had special abilities. Some could fly, others could buff their allies stats within a certain range., some could unleash devastating attacks, there was an extremely large amount of abilities and each character had roughly 1-4 abilities. I'd love to bring the idea to the RPG, but I'd also love to keep the system. What do you guys think/suggest?