The two jedi's lightsabers spun around in a majestic dance, cutting through the last of the defending droids, sending them crashing down into the robotic graveyard that used to be this base's defenses. Mere battledroids and super battledroids were no match for a top ranking member of the jedi council and her prized padawan learner, especially not without any backup from outside. Once the secret hideout of the Separatist leader was discovered it was all over for them. Due to being caught off guard the closest army would take hours to arrive, and they were now only half a minute from the thrown room with nothing left to stop them. The Twi'lek padawan let a dry smile cross her blue lips, nudging a droid's head out of the way with her foot. At last this long, drawn out war could come to an end and the jedi can command the galaxy into a new era of peace. All of the hard work leading up to this moment was finally within grasp. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine being chosen by a council member to be her padawan and then take part in such an important mission. It was the highest honor she could have hoped for. She could hardly contain her emotions as she twirled her two blue lightsabers around in a brief embellishment at the end of the battle. "Calm your mind, young Nima. We must remain focused on our mission at all times," her master, a Zabrak, lectured to her in a gentle tone. She strolled just ahead of her, yellow lightsaber humming at her side. "Yes ma'am," she replied with a bow, regaining a straight face. Her master was right. Loose focus and even a lone battledroid can take out the most seasoned of jedi. She relied too much on her master in the past to point out when an attack was going to happen, so she opened up her mind to make sure that she was on the lookout too. She wasn't the best at it, but it would suffice. "Ah, Master Oabre, looks like our companion has taken out the rest of the defenses and should be here shortly," she informed her master, although she was probably well aware of his approach far sooner then she was. "Indeed. I must admit that this battle has gone well. We will have plenty of room to celebrate once we arrive back on Coruscant," Oabre Marvanaa said, allowing a brief smile onto her lips as well as she glanced behind her at her padawan who was now falling into step. The two reached the thrown room where the Separatist leader was cowering alone in his chair, the last of his security team having rushed out to face the jedi in a desperate attempt to drive them away. It was clear that he had no more droids or else they would be here. The look on his face was priceless. "You're under arrest," Oabre called out as she walked into the room. Just as Nima was about to follow there was a sudden electronic whizzing sound and a flash of blue light as a shield came between them, completely blocking off the opening. Nima jerked back in surprise before trying to slash through it with her right saber, but to no avail. She was more surprised by the fact that it only came up to block her and not both of them. Not only did the separatist look just as surprised as she did, but if he had been responsible he would have already had this barrier up to not allow either of them in, or trapped them both so that reinforcements could arrive in time to rescue him and capture the two jedi. No...this was activated to split up master and padawan. Someone not of the separatists, but still more then likely no friend of the jedi. "I'm going to the generator room to turn off the security," Nima said, turning around. "Be careful, young one. Whoever did this is likely here to kill the both of us while we are separated," Oabre explained. "I'll be fine," she replied. "You've trained me well." Oabre remained looking out the barrier, not even bother giving any attention to the separatist right now. At least that's what it looked like, but she still clearly had tabs on his position with the force and would be ready if he tried any funny business at any time. The cowering man clearly knew this and made no move off of his chair, glued to his seat in fright. What could be this newcomer into his secret hideout? Was it friend of foe to him? Could they possibly hope to defeat one of the most powerful jedi and rescue him from her? ____________________ The hutt let out a laugh from inside the hologram device that the two bounty hunters had. "I see that the plan has worked over the hacked in security feed. Now all that's left is to bring me the heads of Jedi Master Oabre Marvanaa and Padawan Nima Seturri! We shall make an example of what will happen to the high and mighty jedi. There's another jedi knight within the what you want with him, but the bounty is for the other two, of whom I have a personal grudge with. Don't worry about the safety of the separatist. The jedi are unlikely to kill him. Just try not to kill him yourself unless it's inevitable." His image flicked out, but he was surely still watching back on his side of the feed.