Liam dorm room Dani left the dorm room, shortly after that Liam came out of the bathroom and trew her blanket in front of the table. She looked at her arm 'it's not that bad right'. In the kitchen she grabbed a glass of water, she placed it onto her lips and trew it down her troat in one go. She placed the glass in the sink and grabbed her phone from the table putting on some music and plugged it into the boxxes in her room. She took a shower, got dressed, plugged in a earplug and headed off to the cafeteria. Once in the cafeteria she she took a tray and grabbed some food from the counter. 'Some cornflakes and milk should do right?' Dani was sitting with some other people. He also changed clothes so he must haven't been here long. She walked over to him and the people he was sitting with. "Hiiii, my name is Liam and I am one of Dani his friends. How are you all doing today" she said cheerfully, she took the seat next to Dani and looked over to all the people that were sitting at the table. She ate her cornflakes as the other spoke and noticed that the light of the windows was shining on the back of her head. She placed the hoodie over her head and ate some more.