Kaika woke up in pain, screaming a bit from that pain. Her eyes found two things that were major. She first saw Sota, so she was overcome with relief, but then tensed up once she saw Stein, someone that had tried to kill her before her time of fate. "Out of all times..." Kaika grumbled, narrowing her eyes at him,"So...what's it going to be this time? I've already gone through too much shit for one day." Sota found himself unable to move again, like his entire well-being was restrained. However...his soul wasn't really the only presence in him. Abruptly his eyes turned to a blood red color, masses of darkness began to surround Kaika in a way to give her a barrier, and he already knew that Kaika had the spiritual resistance against darkness so it wouldn't harm her especially. "Get....away....from....her...." Sota growls, the immense glow of his red eyes radiated. He was losing it a bit upon seeing Kaika hurt by Stein. --- Silver knew that Shadow had immense abilities when around Chaos Emeralds, but then again... "Shadow, don't think I'm dumb. I can tell you're just going to find the last Chaos Emerald with those," Silver sighed, noticing Shadow's pause in his words.