I know this ain't original..but i want be this guy [hider=CS]Name: Robert Edward Lee Union or Confederate: Confederate Army's Name: Army of Northern Virginia Character Backstory: When his home-state of Virginia declared independence Robert ignored the wishes of President Lincoln and joined with the confederacy. Before that he had a long experience of warfare both inside and outside the states. He finds the idea of Confederacy to be a affront to the founders of his great nation, but Virginia is where is from and where he will defend to his last breath if need be. But this war will require all of his endurance before it is over...then perhaps he can retire to that farm he has always wanted. Age: 54 Experiences in military: Combat engineer for 32 years and served in the Mexican-American war. Appearance:[img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Robert_Edward_Lee.jpg[/img][/hider]