[indent]Following a pair of wanna-be pirate twins? [i]Yeah, Cecily, that's such a smart choice.[/i] However, despite the obvious dangers her choice could lead to, she was sure it was any better than looking for a place of her own. After all, even if she does manage to find a place, the guarantee that it would be completely empty was closer to zero. Basically, if she didn't want to be on the move the whole night, she was going to have to take her chances with these twins. [i]What's with the eye-patches, anyways?[/i] The sun was already setting, finished for the day. A ways off into the distance, Cecily could hear the muffled sounds of people. She knew they had to be survivors because of a few screams she heard here and there. Her eyes followed the source of the sound, finally resting on what appeared to be a Church. It was a mile or two away, but the fact that there would be other people there was undeniable to her. [i]Better stay clear of that place. The more people there are, the worst it becomes.[/i] The thought of joining another large group disgusted her. After all, in big groups like that, what's the most dangerous is the people you're with, not the lurkers. She wasn't about to take another chance. With her decision clear, she turned her attention back to the twins, who were leading her to their shelter. Except for the eye-patches, they didn't have anything out of the ordinary. If anything, running from them wouldn't be too hard. [b]"I'm Cecily."[/b] She stated to no one in particular. [b]"For how long have you guys been holed up in that house?"[/b][/indent]