[ b]Christian Name: [/b] Kassandra [ b]True Name: (the reflection of your blessing)[/b] Mirage [ b]From:[/b] Córdova, Spain [ b]Powers: [/b] Illusions of all kinds. Has a birthmark shaped like an eyeball on the back of her neck, and all of her hair is snowy white. [ b]Pros:[/b] Kassandra can create illusions of all kinds, but she's most powerful with those involving sight and sound. Touch is second-most powerful, while taste and smell are still quite limited. She is an excellent swimmer, and can read and write. People, especially younger people, tend to trust her more easily. (As long as they don't see her hair.) [ b]Cons:[/b] Kassandra is heavyset and not very physically capable yet. She has to keep her hair hidden or dyed at all times, as she will stick out quite easily in a crowd. Also, she has the tendency to be naive and trusting. She tends to see things in a sort of 'black/white' way, not really realizing that most people and situations come in shades of gray. [ b]Virtue:[/b] Warm hearted, intelligent [ b]Vice:[/b] Overly trusting, naive [ b]Favored weapon:[/b] Heavy Staff [ b]Favored profession/Labor:[/b] Cook, scribe [ b]Brief bio: (1 paragraph)[/b] Kassandra was born to a quite normal father, and a mother who was said to speak with spirits. The small family was always traveling, going from city to town working the mother's trade. Kassandra's mother would teach her growing child to harness her fledgling powers as they grew. One day they were attacked by religious purists who denounced her mother as a witch, managing to land a fatal blow on her before the family could escape. Kassandra's grieving father dropped her off at the home of his sister and her family, and never returned for her. Kassandra grew up shamed by her aunt for being a 'witch-child' and was usually kept isolated indoors lest anyone see her unusual looks. Her only solace was in her older cousin Leo, who brought her books, and taught her to read and write, and was her dear (and only) friend. When they got older, he married and moved away, leaving Kassandra at the mercy of her aunt. She took her escape in the midst of the night by making herself invisible, and sneaking out of town. [ b]Appearance:[/b] What do you think so far?