[u]Sky over the forest[/u] "It seems that the influence has...'disapeared". You got lucky this time kid." "Too bad for you, i'll be ready next time." said Thomas. "have a nice fall then, until next time." "Nice wha-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" Thomas, not knowing how flying worked, started to fall, then, 'something' got him. "Masaki, we bumped into something." said Shiro. "Again? First Amita, now something else? Are they not seeing my mech?" Masaki complained. "I don't think it's their fault meow." said Kuro, looking at Amita, who was rubbing her nose. "Ow...this is worse than my headache." said Thomas as he climbed on the Cybuster, clutching his stomach, Amita went outside to see who was their new friend, the she noticed that the interference had stopped. "Hm? I can sense the other emeralds now, sorry Masaki-kun, i have to go." said Amita as she flew away. "Hey, no consideration for me?" Thomas complained. [u]The Travelers[/u] "Well, i guess we aren't really needed on here." said Suzaku. "But still, we need to supress him." Said Midori. "But how? Not even that crazy nutto couldn't do it." said Vita. "We'll try to find a away." said Suzaku. "Yes, after all, there is always a solution to a problem now excuse me, i'm going to have a convesation with our friend." said Midori as she went to Necrox direction.