[quote=MagusDream] "... There is nothing you can do now...", he said. As he blinked his eye, sudden explosions started happening all over the room. Taking advantage of it, Necrox drained the humanoid souls inside the Generators while they were being obliterated. The room broke and they returned to the point where they were. "... Farewell...", he said. The time that Mia took locking him away, draining a feeble part of his energy and all of those stuff was enough for the scarlet sun get near him. A hand grabbed Mia and took her inside the giant orb. Suddenly, red chains appeared through all of the field. "Necrox... no!! You aren't going to...!!", Lilly tried to intervene. "... Without a Fate, a destiny to trace, there is no need for life...", he said. The orb soon was drained into Mia, damaging her body and mind from the inside. Necrox thrusted his hand through her heart, and pulled a chain from her. "... Your story... ends here...", he spoke. He grabbed her Chain of Fate, which contained her life, her history, a primordial base of her existence. Without any hesitation, he broke it. Her Fate, built from all of her victories was broken. All that she did, all that she wanted to do... was gone forever. Still, Necrox lunged at her, knowing that she would still be alive. He thrusted once again, this time removing her heart. "... If you're alive, then don't move. Or else this that you call heart will have its blood dripped out!!", he screamed [/quote] ((I teleported you to Pandora's Box. If you don't recall, it's a room built to hold Hope. It SHOULD be draining away massive quantities of your power, then using that power to negate more of your power. A cycle of power-loopage that'll eventually leave you weak as a human. It's not infinitely powerful, as Hope WAS able to overload it, but it's far too powerful to just be dismissed. As such, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to go back and cut into your post.)) As you laucnh the explosions, you cna feel the magic draining out of them. The more magic you pump into the attack, the faster it starts draining away. While at first the drain is negligible, as it feeds on your powers, it rapidly become more and more powerful, as you feel that a powerful enchantment covering the entire planet is pulling away your power to fuel more of the enchantment. Mia grins, as she sees you become suddenly and unexpectedly weakened. "This place was built to hold creatures capable of wiping out entire universes. I think you might just fall into that category." She grins, as the power drain ramps up.