Ananeas stood motionlessly listening to Jarrod’s words and introduction. “The introductions are unnecessary. I have seen you fight and i have kept my eye on you since morning. Would of helped you with the creatures, but you can guess i had my hands full.” Saying that, he bowed a bit and moved to an empty seat. Ananeas was glad that was over. Though he was surprised by how casually everyone accepted him. When he pulled out the empty seat he unwrapped one side of the cape and put it around the chair. The cape was big enough to cover bought Ananeas and the chair. Now that no one could see beneath the cape, Ananeas crouched onto the chair in a manner that looked like he sat down. Chairs were big pain for Ananeas since his deformed body. If he wanted to sit comfortably, he would sit in a manner that would force his head bellow the table. But then, if crouching, no one would notice it as long as he wore the cape. And since most of his time he spent crouching it wasn’t a big deal for him. Though physicaly it wasn’t a big deal it was hell mentally. In his head Ananeas was imagining how everyone was judging him for his actions, that someone noticed his strange way of sitting….. And like always he felt uneasy. Yet he kept the composure. He closely listened To Jarrod’s words. Kindly he waited for the swordsman to finish. Ananeas was offended by the question, but did not show it. “Yes I am.” Shifting his look to the poisoned arrow boy, Ananeas nodded to his words. As Angelo finished his statement and rose his Cup Ananeas followed. He didn’t say anything for he didn’t know what to say. This was his first toast in his life. Though he had seen it be done many times he was always just someone who watched. And Ananeas hoped that no one would notice his lack of experience with toasts, or any other social activity for that matter, But for the first time his deformity showed. Long muscular fingers gripped the cup. They were so long that they completely rounded the cup. The joint were bigger than usual and the skin looked like no blood ran through them. The reach of his hand was also longer than usual. Because he was in a crouching position he could get closer to the table and the arms themselves were longer by built.