Name: Henry Greenberg Gender: Male Age: 18 Background: Super Nerd Height: 6' 1" Weight: 135 wc 4 Appearance [img=] Body: 0 Acrobatics 2 Athletics 2 Combat 2 Intimidate 1 Stealth 2 Survival 2 Mind: 4 General Edu 3 Medicine Edu 3 Occult Edu 1 Pokemon EDU 3 Technology EDU 3 Guile 3 Perception 1 Spirit: 1 Charm 1 COmmand 2 Focus 1 Intuition 2 Class 1 Mentor( Mentor Skills are Pokemon EDU and Intuition) Edges: Paleontologist Instruction Features: Changing Viewpoints Guidance Versatile Teachings Moves: Stats HP: 10 Attack: 5 Defense: 5 Speed: 10 Special Attack: 10 Special Defence: 5 Derived Stats AP: 5 Hit Points: 50 Injuries Physical Evasion: 1 SPecial Evasion: 1 SPeed Evasion: 2 Capabilities Overland: 5 Swim: 2 Power: 0 Throwing Range: 6 Jump L/H 1/0 History: Since Henry was young he wanted a Pokemon but his family couldn't afford to have one on top of the rest of their bills. Instead he began to study pokemon and read books and articles on training and how they interact in the wild. When he was around 10 he decided that Prehistoric Pokemon were his favorites and hoped that when he could be of age to be a trainer that he could get a fossil. Unfortunately for him the town where he lived gave out (insert stater set) as the starter Pokemon. On top of that his parents were worried about his saftey, even with a Pokemon, due to a Salamance attack on two children that left one with scars. So he waited and went to school and on occasion helped local trainers by refereeing and at times helping a few close friends by mentoring their Pokemon. He got a job at 17 and saved his money untill he was able to buy an Anorith fossil from pokeBay and his parents as a gift paid for it to be revived at the Cinnabar island facility. His adventure should begin any day as the Anorith is set to arrives in it's Pokeball any day now...