Oh my, hello people! I'm Kapp'nPikachu~!! But please, just call me me Pikachu, Italy or anything really, as long as it's nice~!! I'm a big lover of roleplaying even though I can be lazy at times and not post for a couple hours, and I'm also VERY forgetful, so please don't get angry if I take a bit~... I'm a big fan of a lot of things, I'm in over 17 fandoms, for examples: EVERYTHING Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Homestuck, Hetalia, Killjoy's, Gravity Falls, Frozen, MLP:FiM, Legend of Zelda, etc. Fell free to shoot me a PM, I don't bite, but if you get me angry I have a bad bark, so be careful~! Hehe~! I guess I should tell you a couple more things.. Ummm~.. In onexone's, I'm more comfortable RPing though PM.. And if you have Skype, please tell me! I'm more likely to answer right away if we do it though Skype~! One more thing.. I really want to do a Cannibal onexone RP as long as get to a female cannibal, and it can be Yuri if you really want to be female~!