[B]Name:[/B] Johnny Gallo [B]Alias:[/B] Ricochet [B]Role:[/B] Titan [B]Brief Bio:[/B] In 2000, Johnny was born into a middle-class family in New York. His family had been very close-knit and intimate. That was until Johnny and his affectionate mother were walking down a street after his mom got off of work and a drunk driver almost hit them both. Johnny discovered that he had inhuman agility and reflexes when he leapt straight over the car as it flew under him. While his mother flew back thirty feet when she connected with the car's grille. She lost her life and the driver was never caught. This had a profound effect on his father and his own psychologies. The two of them each receded away from each other because of the fractured state of their family. Johnny began to stay at school more, and his father began to become a frequent customer of a local bar. But youths can be so mean. Sometimes Johnny would be mocked because he no longer had a mother. So he needed a place to turn to. He worried day and night about what would happen if they learned that he was a mutant. So he found an outlet where he could put his abilities to good use. Johnny decided to become a superhero. Onc he found a leather jacket and a t-shirt with a large letter-R on it, he began to piece together a costume. At first he wore a mask with lenses, but after a while he grew quite tired of that. So instead he applied a large amount of make-up to all of the skin uncovered by his costume, and before he'd go out, he'd temporarily dye his hair white and wash it out once he got home. When all the adults on the planey disappeared, he decided to go out and patrol the city before teaming up with a group of fellow teenagers that were standing in for the Justice League. Since then, he's been split between being on the Teen Titans, school, and hiding his secret from his dad. [B]Abilities:[/B] Johnny is a mutant whose ability is superhuman reflexes and agility. Sometimes he instinctively dodges when he isn't even aware of a nearby danger. He is fairly intelligent and can be quite creative when he needs to find a solution. He is talented as a bike rider and uses one to compensate for his lack of transportational superpowers. Kept on and in his jacket, Johnny has a collection of steel throwing disks, some are explosive, some release sonic waves, others gas, light. Most of his disks 'ricochet' off walls or floors in a manner similar to Captain America's shield. [B]Personality:[/B] Johnny is deeply loyal to his friends. He has a strong sense of justice and a desire to make everything better, and it kills him every time he sees that he can't. Despite the personal tragedy of his mother's death, he does his best to swallow all of his pain and put his best foot forward. He is often seen as a cut-up because of his constant joking, and people rarely take him seriously, despite the fact that he has a clearer understanding of himself and his surroundings than most adults. When necessary, he can shove his comedic demeanor to the way side and become absolutely stern, even to the point of becoming quite intimidating. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28100000/Warren-warren-peace-28196005-240-301.jpg]Image Hither[/URL] Johnny has shiny black hair, parted at the center and combed in opposing directions. He has blue eyes with a slight twinkle and an overall slender physique. He is muscled like most gymnasts with an overall triangular build. When in costume he coats the skin of his face and neck with a pale white makeup that blends smoothly against the color of his white shirt, which is covered by a leather jacket that holds his disks. He also uses a temporary dye to disguise his hair to make him rather difficult to recognize. [B]Affliation:[/B] [INDENT][B]Mentors:[/B] ▪Iron Fist ▪Mister Terrific: Mister Terrific had assisted Johnny by giving him a small area where he can outfit his disks with various tools after teaching him the basics of customizing a toolkit. [B]Titans:[/B] ▪Arsenal ▪Nightwing ▪Peter Pan •Ravager: Ricochet works closely with Ravager and considers her a good friend. He pays close attention to her behavior because she reminds him of the emotionally dark state that he constantly avoids falling into, and because, if she'd notice, he'd be extremely interested in being more than friends. ▪Scorpion ▪Spider-Girl ▪Superboy ▪Talon[/INDENT] [B]Other:[/B] [URL=https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=bcnnUszUI4O4rgHKmoHACg&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DcftuaUR9wlg&cd=1&ved=0CCYQtwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNFbKiyIt2yHMqI0Tef1YGizuBiVVw]Theme Song[/URL]