[hider= Narral Bat] Name: Narral Bat Race: Halfling Class: Bard Appearance: [img=http://geeksdreamgirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/4ebard.jpg] Age: 25 Height: 3’11” Weight: 79 lbs Skills: Streetwise, there's a code y'see between those stuck on the streets and its a damn good code. You'll never figure it out. Map reading, it always pays to have someone who knows where they're going. Cooking, if you value your taste buds do not eat the food she makes. It will keep you alive but would death be better? Knowledge of history, and who said reading books was bad for you? Song (let’s go with two shall we?): Aggressive Melody, nothing like a good song to make you want to punch through a person’s face. Song of Healing, a calming song that can make those nearby feel a bit better after a long day of punching others through the face. Deity: Eris, Goddess of Tranquillity Armor: Leather, because only a silly person would wear anything else when wandering around. Weapon: Spiked gauntlets on both hands because it feels damn good to feel you enemies jaw shatter. Shield: None Additional Gear: A small harp, granted it was built for a human so it’s a little bit big for her but it’s still a small harp. It’s a family heirloom actually buts it’s been broken and mended so many times that only the little wooden leaf at its tip is from the original. Her mother would always say it was a gift from Eris but it’s highly doubtful, Narral still likes to think so anyway. A backpack store any things she has. History: Meadowmill is a little village that Narral used to call home, Windmills scattered across the rolling plains grinding up the locally grown grain into flour ready to be transported across the mainland. How boring, it was only in the few books that Narral could find that she found excitement and adventure. Tales of grandeur and quests given by the gods, and a little Island locked away in darkness. The little island appeared in many books but rarely ever named in more recent ones, the name Tocor was jinxed apparently, and soon it began to pick and toy at Narral’s curiosity till one day with that little harp she played so well in hand she told her family of her plan to go to the island. They didn’t agree of course and one thing led to another and Narral said some things she really shouldn’t have before quickly running off. About a year later, and wiser, Narral’s still on the road playing for her next meal and bed but isn’t as keen to get to the Island as she had been. She still wants to of course but after running off the idea isn’t quite as desirable as it had been before. Social Class: What a filthy peasant Job: Traveling bard for obvious reasons. Family: A mother, father as well as an older sister and younger brother. All of them are boring old sods though living happily away in their boring old village. Maybe one day she’ll visit them and say sorry, not likely though. Personality: In all honesty she’s a bit of a dick when you first meet her, her rather rude and brash personality being one of her many number of flaws. Lack of direction her life being another one coupled with that horrible eavesdropping habit a group of adventurers might suddenly find themselves with an uninvited guest. But despite her rather rough exterior Narral is actually quite nice and enjoys the little things like yummy food and playing her harp. Distinguishing Features: That white streak in her hair. Miscellaneous: Animals hate her and she thinks that they’re all evil. Apart from ravens because they’re cool. [/hider]