Gracefully did her fingers slip across the steel woven strings, the thick but smooth, polished rosewood of the neck of her cherished instrument, adrift in a sea of notes, of chords and arpeggios she played precisely and accurately with every little chime of the strings she plucked, strumming the beat up Gibson Acoustic with her thin plastic Dunlop pick. What she was composing with her guitar was unclear and quite obscure to the short Japanese girl, but other than that, to her musically trained ear, the improvised, spur of the moment melody sounded quite lovely, so she continued to play along with it, humming the bars in her head of a few lyrics made up on the spot, liking very much how they accompanied perfectly the little guitar riff she strummed, but she wouldn't dare to sing them aloud. No...not with her voice Yumiko thought. Sure she was inclined with every other instrument that came along, but just wasn't her specialty, especially after hearing herself sing once and vowing never to do it again! Ever! So for now, she would just suffice with strumming her guitar, taking in the sweet rhythms, the pleasant chimes of the strings in perfect harmony with one another, culminating into what the pint sized soldier believed to be one of her best. Typical of her, whenever Yumiko was in her zone, whether it was with an instrument nestled softly in her hands or a big ass Light Machine Gun clattering madly with raw firepower on the battlefield, the girl was barely aware of anything and anyone being around other than her, alone in the very recesses of her eccentric and bubbly mind. Slipping into another song on her guitar, she plucked the strings and let her fingers dance smoothly across the fretboard, all while she was deep in thought. She wondered what life may have been like for her had she not become a soldier, thinking of how it would, breathing, and sleeping as a normal, everyday civilian. She would probably have a nice beach house, a cozy little home just off the white, pearl sand beaches of Okinawa, where she could spend her days gazing at the water, admiring the dancing rays of the sun bouncing off the crystal blue ocean, the peaceful melody of the waves washing onto the shoreline hypnotizing her, lulling her into a deep, dreamy trance....about the same as when she played her instrument lovingly. But it took only the familiar and rather thick Pakistani accent of their leader Imran to jolt her out of the dreamlike state she was gently falling into. [i]Ugh! Thanks alot, Imran![/i] Yumiko grumbled on the inside. Dammit, she was just to the point of perfect, damn perfect relaxation and up and atom she was at the sound of the Paki, asking the team if they had been outside any today. To which Yumiko's response was [b]"Watashi o karaka~tsu teru no? Sore wa soko ni zero-do no yōna monoda!"[/b] And did he have to mention that giant, brutish Russian chick, especially by a name that sent such fearful quivers through the tiny girl's spine. Sure....Yumiko was into the ladies, but seeing how Svetlana was the only lesbian about....that was pretty much slim pickings, but it was not because she didn't think Svetlana was totally hot, it was just....the Japanese girl was scared fucking shitless by the towering Ruskie, and not just her height was big! Her gazongas would probably smother poor Yumiko to death, and.....while that did seem a hell of a way to go, death by Russian motorboat was not on Yumiko's agenda at all. Hell, even the mental picture of a gargantuan, naked Svetlana crushing her in bed with all her bulging muscles....and her boobs, that was downright creepypasta material! Nightmare fuel on a caffeine drip! So to shake the haunting and possibly mental scarring visage from her brain [i]Bad brain! Why you make me think that?![/i], Yumiko just went back to playing her guitar, listening to Imran ramble on about their last mission, protecting and extracting an HVI who turned out to be the Azerbaijani Prime Minister. Well...couldn't be as bad as in Tokyo when her zipline goofed on her and she ended up hanging upside down....nearly five hundred feet in the air and dangling by a wire....but that was still less scary than the thought of Svetlana ravaging her....and dammit there she was shivering again. Oh well...just blame it on the cold.