This plot involves a prince who survives attempted assassination at sea by his uncle. He is rescued by a crew of pirates who agree to help him for some arrangement of amnesty or something of the sort. And they work together to take back the kingdom. This will require planning and spywork by the characters, and probably some not-so-legal actions and drastic measures at some point. (I know it kind of sounds like the plot of The Lion King. I'm sorry! >.< )[As well, this could also be MxF. In that case, I'd prefer to play the princess.] This can include romance, or not. It can me explicit/mature or not, though I would prefer not to go into detail. I personally like a little romance! I would prefer to play the prince, and would prefer a male counterpart. [b]My Requirements[/b] -This RP will run over PMs, so send me a message if you're interested. -I require at least two paragraphs per response (though I do know writers block happens to everyone, it can be excused occasionally). -A certain level of understanding of spelling and grammar. A basic grasp of your/you're, there/their/they're, too/two/to, etc. The occasional mistake is only human, we all make them. But if you consistently use the wrong word, we're going to have an issue. -When you message me, tell me your favorite color in your message title so I know you read the requirements. -Please understand I am a university student and I may only reply a few times a week. Some weeks can be really busy like that. Some days, I may reply a thousand times.