The arrival of Zokura's younger brother calmed her nerves a great deal. Despite his unusual ways and childish-at-times personality she was fond of him and proud of the man he had grown in to. She smiled kindly as he approached, complaining about the morning in a usual tone before taking his place at her side. Entei bowed its massive head in greeting and the princess nodded with a smile in return. Her blue eyes lingered on the massive, brown beast for a few moments; she could never lose the respect and awe she had for the three elemental hounds that graciously offered their services to the Evenity children. Suicune had been her best friend and a wise confident through her life. Though she could not remember meeting the icy legendary she had heard tales of the grand ice sculpture she had offered up to an infant Zokura, offering her service and abilities for the remainder of the princess' life. At the birth of [u]Alexander[/u] it was a shock to find that a second of the hounds had arrived to offer its service. For years the townspeople prayed to Arceus that their luck would be sealed with the arrival of the third hound one day and on the beautiful morning of [u]Adelaide's[/u] birth there was much rejoicing across the land as Raiku, the third legendary dog arrived and pledged its allegiance to the kingdom and took its place at the third and final Evenity child's side. She blinked away her thoughts, returning her attention to her brother. [b]"My apologies brother, it may not turn out to be such a good morning at all, but you should know I would not have called you here at this hour had it not been a serious manner. I ask your patience,"[/b] She looked over at Suicune and Entei. [b]"And yours' as well. It shouldn't be long until the rest of the guard and Zion arrive."[/b] Pausing for a moment, her mind realised Adelaide wasn't present yet, which was surprising considering her personality and tendacies. Zokura half expected the young princess to come bursting in through a window atop Raiku's back, wild-haired and tired-eyed. Her parents had long tried to control the young princess' thirst for adventure and trouble but to no avail. Luckily there was no one Zokura trusted more with the safety of her younger sister than Raiku. She would arrive eventually. A few moments after [u]Alex's[/u] arrival there was a strange buzzing in the air outside the door. Experiance told her a pokemon's teleport was to blame and sure enough, seconds later, [u]Chau Duo[/u] stepped into the room, his dark features demanding a level of respect and fear in themselves. Though the man was known to has a... curious past and certainly known to be a fierce soldier, Zokura felt nothing but comfort in his presence. Something in his eyes offered trust and a promise of protection, never harm, to her. An elegant Gardevoir at his side, [u]Chau[/u] bowed in respect before addressing the prince and princess. Though she looked, Zokura knew she would not likely catch a glimpse of the Head Guard's elusive gengar that constantly hung about his his shadow. Personally, she found the pokemon fascinating to no end, though she would never make this a public fact as it may draw questions from the public about her sanity. Gengar were neither common nor welcome in most places in the world and many feared them greatly. [b]"And to you Ser,"[/b] She smiled warmly at the man, feeling a great comfort in knowing he was neaby during these times. In fact, she felt she would miss her guard each moment they weren't near her so long as that foul shadow lurked over the mountains. [b]"How goes your training [u]Chau Duo[/u]? I expect you've been keeping yourself and the rest of the guard in peak condition? I dare not say it but the future may require the use of the King's Guard's skills more often than not."[/b] She bit her tongue, it was rude to speak of a counsel concept before the entire summoned party had arrived, but some part of her sensed that [u]Chau[/u] already knew why he had been summoned. It wasn't long before [u]Claire Faust[/u], one of the only two females on the guard, made her appearance. A certain bliss filled Zokura at her arrival with her companion, Latias, close behind. [u]Claire[/u] was an interesting person and Zokura had never found a time when she wouldn't be charmed to be in the woman's company. It was strange, Zokura never really had friends growing up, apart from her siblings and her dear Suicune, as the guard was replenished for her generation, the older soldiers falling to retirement and a younger batch recruited to serve her through her years, she found herself surrounded by them more than anyone else. It made sense that she would seek friendship in some of them. [b]"Good morning [u]Claire[/u], and good morning to you dear Latias."[/b] She smiled, nodding in acknowledgement once more. [b]"My, Latias, your plumes look simply stunning today, as if groomed by a host of angels. Perhaps our little friend mew had a role in this? I know for a while the little fellow had taken to grooming Suicune in her sleep! Such a playful spirit that one."[/b] Just then, the buzzing of the air returned, this time in a seat opposite the princess. In seconds [u]Zion[/u], her father's royal advisor appeared, his Deoxys at his side. [b]”These are troubling times Your Highness, I am sorry that they fall upon your shoulders.”[/b] His sincerity warmed Zokura. Though hthe man was her father's advisor, the king was wise enough to have requested that [u]Zion[/u] stay behind to assist Zokura. She couldn't have been more grateful for the countless numbers of advice he had offered her in the time she had known him. She trusted him, and that was important. For a woman, or a man for that matter, of nobility could never have too many truly trusted companions in their lives. [b]"I thank you for your concern, and I couldn't agree more on the dimming future, but I was given the responsibility of protecting and ruling these lands in the absence of my beloved parents. I will not let harm fall upon these people. I will not disappoint my mother and father."[/b] Looking around, she could see there were still many members whose arrival they waited on, but if she knew the guard, and she did, they would be by shortly. ~~~ As if by cue, it wasn't a moment later that the doors of the great hall opened, though it would have appeared that they had done if of their own accord. They closed shortly after and the princess could not help but raise a brow at the unusual event. Then, the knob clicked once more and [u]Sorren[/u], another of the guard stepped in and took his place at the table. [i]"Ah,"[/i] she realised, seeing a petite Meloetta materialize on the table before the slender guard. [b]"[u]Sorren[/u], Meloetta, good day." [/b]She then addressed Meloetta personally, who was now kicking at an annoyed [u]Sorren's[/u] chest. [b]"My dear Meloetta, you're quite the puzzle bringer with that trait of invisibility you have. You're far too beautiful to conceal."[/b] She smiled warmly, adoring the small legendary as much as every other pokemon she came across. Zokura had always been as such, admiring and respecting all kinds of pokemon for what they were and finding beauty in their unique forms. It wouldn't be long now before the meeting began, she would have time to admire beauties later.