The cheerful tune Latias was humming was suddenly interrupted by a very audible high pitched squeal at Zokura's mention of her plumes, accompanied by a grin and a little aerial twirl. She was obviously quite happy with the princesses praise. [b][i]"Oh you noticed! Yes, Mew did mine right after I fell asleep! I think. I can't really be sure. Since I was a sleep."[/b][/i] She chuckled with a grin. Claire resisted the urge for sigh and an eye roll, and mostly remained silent and let Latias finish her little meet and greet. She doubted she'd get a word in edgewise anyways. [b][i]"You look as lovely as ever this morning as well!"[/b][/i] Suddenly, Latias zipped over to the princesses side, before Claire could even try to stop her. [b][i]"I'm not gonna name any names,"[/b][/i] Latias said in a hushed tone to the Princess. [b][i]"But a certain female knight could take a few beauty tips from ya."[/b][/i] She continued, with a rather noticeable tilt of her head towards Claire. Before she could get any farther though, said female knight interrupted the Legendary. [b]"That's enough Latias. I'm sure the Princess has enough to worry about without your shenanigans."[/b] Latias simply stuck her tongue out at Claire in reply before slowly moving back to her side, starting to hum the previous tune right were she left off. [b]"And good morning to you as well, Princess Zokura."[/b] As she finished her greeting, Sorren along with Meloetta walked into the room. Claire didn't say much else, after that, and merely pondered what Zion had said about 'troubling times.' What exactly had happened? She had her suspicions, but she was beginning to think something incredibly bad had happened. War perhaps? Had something happened to the King and Queen? She took a deep breath and settled her mind. Letting it run off with wild theories wasn't going to help. She would find out when the others arrived.