[center][b]Christopher[/b] - Problems at the arrival[/center] You know, sometimes things happens and you can't help but feel terrible about yourself while you spend the night at a cheap hotel because your sense of direction is terribly warped. That's exactly what happened to Christopher; the boy got lost after taking the wrong bus and ended up... somewhere. He had no idea. He wandered for hours trying to find Athalia's Academy and was already starting to believe that it did not exist and that he had been lied to... Which made him apologize thirty-five times to God for thinking such thing of his mentors. They'd never lie to him, so it had to be [i]somewhere[/i]. After wandering aimlessly until night, the boy had decided to sleep in an hotel (a cheap one, even) to resume his search at the other day. And so he did, the boy departed very early in the morning and with some help, he managed to find himself standing in front of Athalia's Academy. It looked... normal, was this really it? His oddly orange colored eyes scanned the place, the boy humming softly as he began to walk forward. No one stopped him from entering, and so he made his way to the main office. So far, so good. So good that he was growing suspicious of how a school 'for special students' was so quiet and normal. He didn't loiter around for too long in the main office, after confirming his identy and getting a small paper with his room's numbers the boy hurriedly left towards the dorm's building, wishing to get in his room as soon as possible. He [i]needed[/i] to put that thing somewhere, it was heavy and his arm was already starting to hurt. Finally, his room. Not only his, but someone's else too. He had no idea that he'd be sharing a room, but oh well. The boy placed his bag down, relieved to be finally freed from it's torturing height. Now... What was he supposed to do? Classes, right. The boy took five minutes to enter and leave the room and was carrying nothing, as he wasn't even sure if classes were the same. He was walking around pretty distracted in his own thoughts, trying to figure out how would this all be; he couldn't deny feeling slightly anxious after all things were pretty different from before and there were plenty of opportunities to both meet new friends and become stronger; as a person and as a lightbringer. Christopher hoped everything would go well.