Howdy everyone, I am putting this up because I want to start up a SAO rp. This can either be set in Sword Art Online or ALFheim Online, whichever gets the majorities vote. The idea itself though, once the mechanics and kinks are worked out, is I want to run an Rp in one of these two setting, without the Anime/Novel's Arcs. I am planning to build an Rp in which we get to experience the vast content and entirety of the universe. I am hoping to get a decent number of people so we can have a good group to Rp with, and perhaps even coordinate characters to allow our parties to be balanced. I will say this though, I will never MAKE someone play a character they don't want, but it is wise to keep in mind that in these setting, it is a VRMMO and formations, classes, and skills are beneficial and effective if planned out to work with other party member's classes, formations, and skills. Anyway, I hope there are people interested, and I hope to have a great group to work with. ~ Austin.