[b]“There’s little fault with their skills,”[/b] he admitted with a small nod, pausing for a moment, before he continued, [b]“though, some personalities may be problematic.”[/b] Two people were on his mind with that comment, namely two ladies of the Royal Guard. Claire and Ana were good enough fighters, great in fact, but he worried that if the two were to ever spar it would escalate quickly. That was only a prediction though; hopefully the two would be mature enough and remember their position to reign in any tempers or competitive streak. That aside, he nodded again to show that, yes, he did indeed suspect why the meeting had been called. [b]“Troubling, but necessary. I do plan to dispatch some men to investigate.”[/b] Anything else on the matter could wait for the others to join them, and they seemed to be doing just that. It must have only been a few moment after he finished when Claire walked in to join them. He returned her salute before turning his attention to the,[b] “Sir,”[/b] that came in from the hall. Opening the door, he followed the dark blur that slipped through his legs and into his shadow before looking at the two fully armoured guards standing at attention in front of him. He saluted to the both of them before nodding to either side of the doors. [b]“Good time men. The other Royal Guards and Princess Adelaide should be joining us shortly.” [/b] [b]“Yes sir.”[/b] Having received their orders, the pair of guards took up positions flanking the entrance to the councillor’s chambers. It might have been a tad unnecessary given how the Royal Guard would be gathered inside, but procedures had to be followed after all. Letting the doors close, Chau turned around just in time to catch the final ripples that accompanied a Teleport. ‘Four more,’ he thought as he watched Zion materialize into the Royal Advisor’s seat. Returning the older man’s nod with a slight bow, his attention shifted once again as the door was pushed open once more. Sorren’s entrance was a bit odd, but nothing worth too much concern. Much like the man himself really, but that was a thought for another time. He gave the younger man a nod before closing his eyes to speak with Gengar. [i]‘Good work.’[/i] Unlike Gardevoir, Gengar was unable to communicate telepathically. It could read his thoughts while it lurked in his shadow, but the transmissions only went one way. He could tell his partner was pleased at the compliment though, emotions being simple enough to be shared. With that addressed, because his Gengar got moody if ignored, Chau focused once more. Or would have if he didn’t have to hold back a chuckle at his companion’s indignation, which was promptly followed up with a bit of sulking.