[center]"[i]Those with the wherewithal - first, in social standing, and second, in money - spend their time here, at the private Ouran Academy. As such, Ouran Host Club is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain and charm girls, who also have too much time on their hands. It is the school's own personal, elegant playground for the super rich.[/i]" --- [b][u]P L O T[/u][/b] It has now been one year since the complete formation of Ouran's Host Club. Mitsukuni and his cousin, Takashi, have entered university at last. Tamaki and Kyoya are in their final year of senior high, a heart-breaking fact that many of their fans have yet to come to terms with. The four youngest members of the Host Club - Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, and Renge - are only halfway through their senior high school career. With the graduation of Hani-senpai and Mori-senpai, the Host Club has reluctantly begun the search for a new member to help keep the club alive. The parameters for applying are simple enough; gorgeous, talented, intelligent, and above all, [i]male[/i]. With one cross-dressing member in their midst already, the chances of another are zero to none. Renge has no need for an apprentice of any sort, as the Lady Manager works alone. What does this mean for the students of Ouran Academy? Well, with the Host Club involved, there is but one end result; chaos. --- [b][u]R U L E S[/u][/b] o1 . Follow the rules set for Roleplayer Guild, but of course. It's not that hard to do. Be kind and considerate, guys. o2 . My co-GM is Touhoure; respect her as you should me. Her word is important, and we will usually speak to one another before voicing anything. o3 . As we are in the Casual Roleplay sub-forum, I expect acceptable spelling and grammar, and a minimum of one well-thought-out paragraph for each post. o4 . Romance may be a center theme in OHSHC, but it is not required for this roleplay. That especially means no instant romance whatsoever. [i]E v e r .[/i] o5 . God-modding and power-playing are not welcome here. There should be no reason that you will ever do so without first obtaining permission from the GMs and the RPer. o6 . Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus will be booted on sight. If you find your own character to be questionable, you may PM the GMs for help. We are happy to help you out! o7 . Canon characters are to be kept in-character. Should I or my co-GM feel that you are not doing so, we will PM you about it. o8 . No direct relation to canon characters. There are no long-lost siblings or cousins here. --- [b][u]C L O S E T[/u][/b] name : : Surname Given name aɢe : : 14 to 19 cʟass : : 1 to 3 - A to D cʟuʙ : : Optional. ʙioɢraᴘʜʏ : : A little history + personality. ғamiʟʏ ʙusiness : : Be reasonable. crusʜ : : Update as needed. [ Put a reasonably sized image here. I can edit it for you if needed. ] --- [b][u]N O T E S[/u][/b] ❧ Year 1 has the age range of 14 to 16. ❧ Year 2 has the age range of 15 to 17. ❧ Year 3 has the age range of 17 to 19. ❧ Class A is those of highest pedigree and intelligence. ( Elite and Scholarship ) ❧ Class B is those of high pedigree and intelligence, but not Elite or top-notch. ❧ Class C is those of lower pedigree and intelligence, mostly pedigree. ❧ Class D is those of Yakuza affiliated families in most known cases. ❧ Pedigree includes wealth, lineage, and influence of the family.[/center]