[center]♡ touhou hijack'd lol --- name : : Maeda Azumi aɢe : : She is sixteen years of age. cʟass : : She's part of class 2-B. cʟuʙ : : Known as the President of the Newspaper Club. ʙioɢraᴘʜʏ : : As a young girl, Azumi dreamed of being immortal, or more sensibly a writer. While she was still the youngest in her family, she had an elder brother named Daiki and sister named Ayumi, both whom she remained close to throughout her silent childhood. At the beginning of her elementary career, she faced many changes. With the devastating death of her brother and the horrid hospitalizing of her sister, Azumi wasn't sure on what to do. As a quiet and sensitive young girl, she remained hurdled up in a corner of tears and fears. However, nothing was getting done, and the misery upon her sister and having to deal with the school was just too much! The young girl came up with a brilliant idea, and though normally quite, she came up to her sister one day and started to tell small jokes that would make her smile. Doing this over and over not only pulled Azumi out of her shell, but introduced to a new nature far from her usual self. She would come up with all sort of bad puns and quirky jokes to amuse her sister during her hospital time and there after. Azumi and her sister were uprooted from their native school and into Ouran Academy. With promises of new beginnings, Azumi wasn't afraid in bringing in her colorful character. Despite this, the students at the academy thought her and her sister were twins, and the two chose to promote it out of pure amusement. During their middle school years, Azumi's aspirations for becoming a writer started to climb when she tried to help her sister compose a love letter. This backfired greatly and the letter was torn up before them. Angered by this, the younger sister holds resentment towards the Hitachiin twins to this day and disproves of her sister's affections towards them. As a few to escape this sense of rejection, she continued to write and write from her middle to high school years. Then, when she first arrived, she started to write short stories, articles, and poems that gained audience. She would be no where without the Newspaper Club, who used her submitted articles in their newspaper once a month. Of course, after a small visit Ayumi made to the Newspaper Club, they started to put Azumi in the newspaper weekly. Many readers enjoyed her innocent articles that stood out against the slander. Within the next year, Azumi took on the position as the President of the Newspaper Club due to her straight-forward and beloved writing. Having a new figure to represent the Newspaper Club, she plans on cleaning up the reputation up from it's slander and into enjoyable reading material. ғamiʟʏ ʙusiness : : Her family runs the Tea Green Publishing Company. crusʜ : : Azumi doesn't really understand what you're trying to get at... name : : Ootori Kyoya aɢe : : He is seventeen years old. cʟass : : He can be found in class 3-A. cʟuʙ : : The Shadow King of the Host Club. ʙioɢraᴘʜʏ : : oxoxo ғamiʟʏ ʙusiness : : His family business is The Ootori Group. crusʜ : : It's presumed that Kyoya doesn't have a crush. ✎ ★ ¤·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.♥·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.✰·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.♥·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.✰·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.♥·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.✰·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.♥·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.✰·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.♥·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.¤ ★ ↩ [IMG]http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a634/inkyslumber/XYZ/Wisp/yepazumi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a634/inkyslumber/OHSHC/yepsuoutori.png[/IMG] [/center]