Howdy guys! [hider=Gabriel Brinton] Name: Gabriel Brinton Age: 13 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Power: Pestilence, the controlling of diseases. Gabriel has the ability to control any disease he comes in contact with. He can spread it to others, intensify it, or cure it. His powers are very underdeveloped at the current time, as he can only control minor diseases like the common cold or the stomach flu. Along with having to be exposed, he can only infect a total of three people every 24 hours, or he can cure a disease or intensify a disease every 48 hours. This power constantly makes Gabriel feel ill and have a constant cough. While this cough expels no diseases, it makes those that know about his powers uncomfortable. Bio: Gabriel was born into a lower upper-class family. He was an only child and often spoiled by his parents. Despite having the opportunity to get whatever he wanted, he very seldom asked for anything. His parents were never home, both working jobs throughout the entire day. His favorite subject was always English, mostly because he enjoyed writing poetry or fictional stories. He did well in school and even learned to play the violin. HE also was an avid movie watcher. Sometime after his thirteenth birthday, something just clicked inside. It was like he had just remembered how to do a long forgotten skill. These powers gave Gabriel an opportunity to get back at those that had been bullying him constantly in his old school. This was also what got Gabriel noticed and taken to the academy. Personality: Gabriel is a very introverted boy. People at his past school would describe him as antisocial, but he just had no interest in being with people he wasn't friends with. He has low self-esteem due to constant bullying throughout his early schooling. Despite his lack of self-esteem, he still wants to see the good in people. He is always willing to listen to people's problems, simply because he knows that sometimes people need to talk. While he will listen to others, he seldom will talk about his problems. He keeps his feelings inside, which tears away at him as he silently suffers. Gabriel assumes he suffers from depression but he would never say anything about it for a few reasons. The first, as not to bother someone with the information, and the second reason being not to give people more reasons to make fun of him. [/hider] [hider=Dylan Serel]Name: Dylan Serel Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=] He stands at 5'11" and weighs 165 pounds. When using his powers, a shark-like dorsal fin will grow. He chooses to keep this dorsal fin constantly. In order to do this, he has cut a slit in each shirt. In his free time, he does not wear a shirt or socks and shoes. He states that he feels more comfortable like this. Whenever attending classes or going to events, he will generally wear a tank top and shorts. Power: Dylan can grow gills, allowing him to remain underwater indefinitely. However, he must keep moving or else he will drown. Along with the gills, in front of his normal teeth, he can grow what appear to be very similar to shark teeth. These teeth can bite through anything up to the strength of steel, depending on the density. Along with his abilities, the temperature of the water does not generally affect him. However if boiling, he will start to burn. If frozen, he starts to pass out. Bio: Dylan was born near the ocean, living in Boston his whole life. He grew up in a middle class home, with a single mother and a little sister. His father was killed in Afghanistan while he was on tour with the military. Dylan first found out he had the ability to grow gills when he was about 7. He was sucked out to sea by an undertow, and pulled under. He would have been dead if it hadn't been for that. Personality: Dylan is a extremely extroverted, needing to be constantly around people. If isolated for too long, he will go into a "depressed" state. He is a good listener, but usually is terrible at giving advice. He hasn't learned to keep his mouth shut, but never means to offend anyone. HE wakes up early, but also goes to bed earlier. He tends to have spend most of his time updating his social networking sites, though most are simply his thoughts. His self-esteem relies on what others think of him, finding value in himself if others do to.[/hider]