"I don't think you would've gotten lost. You've got a good sense of direction I think. Plus the snow and ice wouldn't have let you stray too far," Jack smiled at her. There were a multitude of times where he thought he was hopelessly lost but everything turned out alright in the end. He always had a sense of things. The wind blowing in a certain direction, bringing a welcomed chill to his bones. A chill which tingled and tugged him along in certain directions, where he was always needed. His entire left side tingled now, it was a pleasant tingle. Curiously warm. Jack tilted his head and furrowed his brow at Elsa, who had settled down to the left of him. Curious, he'd have to investigate this later, when he was recovered. The looming gates come into view, they're a light shade of steel blue, a thin layer of frost decorate the tops of the gates and the walls around it. "I think you'll be fine here. I trust your judgement," Jack grins as they slide into the city. It was like being home again. A second home anyways. He had been recently declared the protector of this wonderful city, so he had spent a fair amount of time within these walls. "Jack? Jack Frost is back!" a single child came scampering happily towards the sled, his cries rousing the rest of the people in the vicinity. And suddenly there was a crowd gathered around the sled, all smiling faces, excited to see him, asking him about his travels. "Woah there, Noah. Easy," Jack caught the child who had taken a flying leap at him. Noah grinned happily at him, his two front teeth missing, grey eyes glistening. Jack couldn't help but ruffle the boy's dark chocolate hair. "Noah, mind your manners please," a girl around Elsa's age lifted the young boy from Jack's arms and set him on the ground gently. She too had that same chocolate hair and storm grey eyes, Noah's older sister. She was pretty, with a different sort of liveliness to her. She studied Jack's face for a moment, "you've gone and done it again haven't you." "I uh, yeah. Sorry, Hailey," Jack grinned sheepishly, holding up the two halves of his staff. The last time he had been here, he had broken his staff as well. It seemed to be a regular occurrence. "I have your room ready. I thought you'd be back. Although I don't think your friends would be too comfortable at my place. I can set them up down at Fletcher's if they'd like," Hailey took the broken staff in her gloved hands. "Actually, this is Queen Elsa of Arendale and Princess Anna. They have some official royal arrangements here. But this here will be my stop, Elsa. But maybe I'll see you at dinner? They always have a massive feast down at the castle when I'm back," Jack scrambles out of the sled, assisted by the crowd around him. "The castle's the massive building at the end of the street. You can't miss it!" he called over his shoulder as Noah took his hand, tugging him relentlessly down a side street.