[center][u][b]Key Historical Events[/b][/u][/center] [b]2700-3614:[/b] The Great Interstellar War [b]3619:[/b] Five Faction Peace Treaty [b]3620-3625:[/b] The Age of Wine [b]3635:[/b] Official Formation of the United League of Star Systems [b]3630-3720:[/b] Civil Insurrectionist Conflicts [b]3731:[/b] The ULSS Zotharis embarks on its first mission toward the outer rim of the galaxy... [u][b][center]Roster[/center][/b][/u] 1. [b]Operations Officer B15[/b] [hider=Nadan Taushir of the Metacaug Elite][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/092/9/1/Alien_by_Robotpencil.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Nadan Taushir [b]Age:[/b] 421 [b]Height:[/b] 6’5” [b]Build:[/b] Slim/Athletic [b]Weight:[/b] 214 lbs [b]birth quadrant[/b] B15 [b]Primary Role:[/b] Operations Officer [b]Secondary Role:[/b] Agriculture [b]Personality:[/b] Disciplined. Patient. Well-spoken. Stern. Nadan embodies all of the necessary qualities of an effective leader. However, the rashilian rarely – if at all – expresses empathy or compassion. Past traumatic events have resulted in several psychological scars. Therefore, the rashilian avoids interpersonal relationships, barring anyone entry into his true self for fear of exposing weakness. He has maintained this façade for over a hundred years, and refuses to believe that he is showing signs of mental instability. [b]Species: [/b] Rashilian [b]Species Origin: [/b] The rashilians that came from the B15 quadrant are the original founders of the Metacaug Elite. The pursuit of absolute knowledge is a major motivation for them. While they are believed to have little-to-no religious beliefs, rashilians praise academia as if it were a deity. They were the first known species in recorded history to develop FTL travel, which in turn, made them the first to establish first contact with the Yirkuthu. A peaceful interaction resulted in a bountiful partnership; Rashilian technology for Yirkuthu resources. However, when war broke out between the Draithosi and the Yirkuthu Empires, the rashilians wanted no part of the feud. This sentiment was not expressed by the more war faring species within the Metacaug Elite, who believed the Draithosi were a serious threat. The Metacaug Council soon publicly condemned the Draithosi, and proclaimed their aid to Yirkuthu. The rashilians eventually joined the rest of the Metacaug against the Draithoisi. Experimental bio bombs and enhanced weaponry, drastically turned the tides of war in Yirkuthu's favor. Rashilians are amphibious humanoids with slender, athletically firm frames. Their most distinct features are their slightly elongated craniums, and multi-colored complexions, which run in v-shaped epithelial layers down the middle of their bodies. They have a hyperactive cellular regenerative system, which allows them to age up to six hundred years. [b]Character History:[/b] Nadan Taushir served in the Metacaug Elite toward the tail end of the galactic war, and campaigned several tours against anti-ULSS rebels. He has witnessed an intense spectrum of both peace and war over a span of four hundred years. The rashilian was born at the very homeworld of his people, Unan, of B15 quadrant. After graduating from the most prestigious universities his civilization had to offer, he studied abroad, entering Yirkuthu territory to expand his horizons. It was here where he met his first and last love, Sihari Hiona. They were to elope after seven years of partnership, but she passed during a Draithosi invasion that included the decimation of her entire homeworld, Chaiosi. Nadan, grief-stricken with rage, immediately enlisted into the Metacaug Space Military Academy. Nadan rotated through several orbital fortresses, marine frigates, battle cruisers, and destroyers, mainly as a scientist – though he also functioned as a back-up medic and navigations officer, especially onboard vessels kneedeep in the frontlines of battle. Nadan continued to serve in the Metacaug Elite, until its main military faculties integrated into the ULSS armada. He was immediately reassigned to a new frigate, the ULSS Galladra, which was part of a tactical fleet dispatched specifically for rebel insurgency. Unlike his last campaign during the great war, Nadan was more active on the field this time around. However, the extent of his service is not thoroughly detailed on public record. As a witness to several life cycles of war and oppression, heart ache and loss, Nadan sought immediate escape from his ULSS duties. The rashilian wished to return to his roots as a scientific scholar, one that promoted genesis and peace, not engineered destruction and violence. The ULSS elites granted Nadan honorary leave. He went on to aid communities across the stars, embarking on his own pilgrimage that ended at the homeworld of his lost love. Planet Chaiosi. Nadan volunteered into a peace keeping organization, where he developed an affinity for agricultural terraformation. This acquired skill became a newfound passion for Nadan, and he dedicated a good sum of his life revitalizing Chaiosi's plant culture. The rashilian was content on spending the rest of his days on Sihari's homeworld, and if it weren't for the persistence of the ULSS, he would have gladly done so. Unbeknownst to Nadan, the ULSS had been monitoring his progress, observing his ability to restore Chaiosi's life sustaining properties within a short timescale. The ULSS also took note of his ability to lead, commending Nadan for coordinating aid workers, Chaiosian survivors, and migrating settlers, during the restoration process. After much thought and negotiation, the rashilian finally agreed to partake in the ULSS space program. Ultimately, the idea of exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy is what convinced Nadan to join. It awakened an old flame of scholarly wonder once thought extinguished in the rashilian, and he longed for another journey across the cosmos. Leaving his restoration work in the hands of the Chaiosians, he traveled to the primary ULSS research station - the orbital hub of the ULSS Science division - and enlisted into the four year program as a hopeful candidate. [b]Equipment:[/b] -[b]Standard ULSS Enviro Suit[/b] - [b]Drone Helper Izo[/b][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110323011348/fallout/images/6/6c/Zeta_Drone_6.jpg[/img] [b]Info:[/b] Nadan built Izo sometime after serving the ULSS Galladra, during his pilgrimage toward Chaiosi. It has basic A.I. software, but can efficiently perform a wide range of complex tasks. - [b]Pet Rami[/b] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/339/e/b/ramicantharis_by_hyrotrioskjan-d6wukrr.jpg[/img] [b]Info:[/b] An insectoid Nadan found while excavating a crevasse on planet Chaiosi. It's completely responsive to the rashilian, but won't mind giving equal attention to anyone that offers it food. Its respiratory system can filtrate any harmful bacterium within an enclosed space. Nadan likes to keep it in his quarters as a living humidifier. [b]Living Quarters:[/b] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/079/7/9/79bd370c5adc14e2b755545d1801f402-d3jfapi.jpg[/img][/hider] 2. [b]Medical Officer B07[/b] - played by [I]BerryBuns[/I] [hider=Kinaktala of the Metacaug Elite][b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, lanky, flat chested and narrow hipped, Kina exhibits the androgyny typical of the Yllin. Her large eyes are almost entirely pale turquoise in color, save for small black pupils that dilate slightly in the dark. Instead of a “nose,” per se, she simply has two small nostrils, which sit above a wide mouth filled with sharp, pointed teeth. Her coarse, straight hair, which is closely cropped and often messy, is a deep brown streaked with gold and green, and her skin shares the same color palette -- light brown, with clusters of gold and green freckles, much like mineral-flecked stone. Kina wears a pair of goggles with dark, specially treated lenses, either over her eyes in brighter light or pushed up onto her forehead, and is always, [i]always[/i], fully clothed; she favors form-fitting clothing that allows for a broad range of movement. [b]Height:[/b] 5’11” [b]Weight:[/b] 105 lbs. [b]Name:[/b] Kinaktala - Kina, for short [b]Age:[/b] 12 (this is well into young adulthood for Yllin, who reach physical maturity around 7 or 8 years of age) [b]Birth quadrant:[/b] B07 [b]Primary Role:[/b] Medic [b]Secondary Role:[/b] Bartender [b]Personality:[/b] Like many Yllin who were raised away from Kamphal, Kina is very intelligent, very inquisitive, and very, very bad at forming interpersonal relationships, mostly because of the extreme difficulty she has with expressing any sort of real emotion. To most, she comes across as either aloof, awkward, or just plain odd. She is usually very serious, and not one to mince words; however, if she stumbles on something new and exciting, her passion will shine through, and she is not without a certain dry sense of humor. [b]Species:[/b] Yllin (ill-ihn) [b]Species Origin:[/b] The Yllin, along with their home planet of Kamphal, were discovered by the Metacaug Elite in the early years of the great Intergalactic War. As a species, they are intelligent and have the potential to be highly adaptive, due in part to their ability to pick up on and mirror the emotional states of those around them. However, since the Yllin are historically animalistic and uninhibited, they tend to give into their baser instincts when left to their own devices, forming family-like packs and becoming fiercely territorial. When Kamphal was originally discovered by the Metacaug Elite, the Yllin were thought to be beyond reason -- they wanted nothing to do with the outsiders, and violently opposed any attempts at colonization and resource or information gathering. However, the mineral-rich swamps and caverns that the Yllin inhabited were a veritable gold mine, full of natural resources that the Metacaug could not simply abandon. And so, very slowly, diplomatic relations were fostered; research stations were built, as well as small settlements, for the scientists and engineers who wanted to learn more about the new planet and reap what they felt it had to offer to their efforts in the war. Eventually, some of the more inquisitive or adventurous Yllin began their own information gathering, and it was at this point that something unexpected happened. When presented with the opportunity, and when removed from the volatile environment of their tribal society, the Yllin proved to be incredibly fast learners, capable of mastering a remarkable variety of disciplines within a relatively short amount of time. Once their potential was discovered, Yllin began to leave Kamphal in search of new adventures and opportunities, although the majority elected to remain on their home planet. It was decided that colonization would not advance; the existing facilities would be left manned and intact, but the Yllin who chose to stay would, for the most part, be left alone. Those who left Kamphal have established a small but well respected presence throughout the Metacaug territories, proving to be effective ambassadors for their race. The Yllin are a bipedal, nocturnal, traditionally predatory species from the planet Kamphal, within quadrant B07. All members of the species are built for sprinting, with lean legs that take up ⅔ of their total height, muscular calves, flexible joints, and long, vertically oriented feet, the balls of which carry all of their weight. Their pointed ears extend well past the tops of their heads, and can rotate up to 180* for a broad range of hearing (and expression). Nearly one third of an Yllin's face is taken up by immense, round eyes, which -- thanks in part to their size, and in part to the tapetum lucidum that exists behind the retina -- give Yllin excellent night vision; however, they are extremely light-sensitive and largely colorblind, perceiving mostly shades of blue and green. Aside from some hair on their heads, which rarely grows longer than shoulder length, Yllin are entirely hairless. Their smooth skin -- especially on their fingertips, palms, and the soles of their feet -- is highly sensitive, capable of picking up even the tiniest vibrations. When some of the first Yllin to leave Kamphal agreed to participate in scientific studies, it was discovered that this sensitivity plays a critical role in their emotional mirroring; specifically, the more they were touched, the more susceptible they became, and their ability to control their own emotions fell drastically as their susceptibility rose. [b]Character History:[/b] Kina was born on Kamphal, but she does not think of it as her home. She left the planet, together with a small group of her peers, when she was three years old, sent off by her mother to see the galaxy. Her mother, a priestess within their tribe, could not leave herself; but had seen in a vision from Imtal, the eldest of the three Sister Moons, that Kina’s future lay out among the stars, far from the Yllin homeland. Once Kina had spent a few months in her medical apprenticeship, she learned that her mother’s vision was most likely caused by the kirfu powder the Yllin liked to throw in the fire during spiritual ceremonies, which could have hallucinogenic effects if its smoke was inhaled. While she believed in the science more than she had ever believed in anything her mother said, she couldn’t quite bring herself to take off the necklace her mother gave her when she left: a cloudy black marble on a leather cord, a talisman of Imtal’s guidance. Over the years, Kina flourished, surpassing all the other apprentices studying under her mentor and quickly becoming his favorite. They became like father and daughter, and as her skill grew, so did their bond. Because he was happy, so was she. Her thirst for knowledge was insatiable, and by her eighth birthday, she had learned everything that he had to teach her, and should have been ready to begin practicing medicine on her own. However, fate had thrown a wrench in the gears of her progress. Her mentor’s wife fell quickly, hopelessly ill, and although Kina did not love her, she felt the pain of her impending loss like a knife through her heart. Desperate to end her mentor’s pain, and thus her own, Kina stayed, and devoted all of her time to identifying a cure, certain she could succeed where all before her had failed. While she worked, her mentor fell into a depression so deep, he was barely able to function, let alone aid Kina in her research. His wife died before she could find a cure, and Kina left soon after. She will do almost anything to avoid talking about the weeks leading up to her departure. The next four years passed quickly for Kina. She continued to study medicine, but also dabbled in other subjects that drew her interest like bioengineering, programming, and even mixology, which she particularly enjoys; she finds the different combinations of ingredients, and their varying effects, fascinating (and entertaining). Eventually, she caught wind of an opportunity that she absolutely could not refuse: a chance to join an expeditionary team and explore the uncharted Outer Rim. Access to state of the art medical facilities, top notch research equipment, and, above all, the possibility of discovering something truly [i]new[/i], were more than enough reasons for Kina to throw her hat into the ring. [b]Equipment:[/b] Standard Issue ULSS Enviro Suit [b]BMIS[/b] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/6stl76.jpg[/IMG] Biological and Medical Interface System An advanced, portable system that Kina engineered. It is capable of constructing and analyzing complex digital models from organic samples. [b]Living Quarters:[/b] Kina’s quarters are sparsely furnished. A small collection of dogeared medical and engineering texts are shoved onto shelves, along with several small gadgets of varying usefulness that she has either collected or built herself. Her clothes and more private personal belongings are kept in a multi-tiered chest in one corner of the room; a hammock hangs from the ceiling against the wall opposite the door.[/hider] 3. [b]Navigations Officer B19[/b] - played by [I]Hagura[/I] [hider=Sha Knora 55145 of the Yirkuthu Hive] [b]Appearance:[/b][img=https://d2ip58kv7n8yjd.cloudfront.net/p/assets/images/images/000/106/408/large/alexander-fedosov-amaterasu-copressed.jpg?1403033798] [b]Height:[/b] 5'7" [b]Weight:[/b] 184 Lbs [b]Name: [/b] Sha'Knora (Android #55145 and the K is silent.) [b]Age: [/b] 12 years since "Birth". Mental age of 26 [b]birth quadrant[/b] B19 [b]Primary Role:[/b] Navigations Expert and Pilot [b]Secondary Role:[/b] Hangar Bay Mechanic [b]Personality:[/b] Ethical, Systematic, Efficient. These are the words that describe Sha'Knora. Nearly synthetic, she is programmed as so. She is nearly competently robotic in her personality. She dislikes to be a hindrance to any of her fellow crew members. She has an almost cold feel to her. She simply doesn't understand human emotions to their fullest. But deep within herself, she always is searching to find the humanity within her. She yearns for the taste of being a living thing. Being a construct of science makes her unable to understand others on an emotional level. And she wants to break that barrier in her creation. Though she only does that on her off time. [b]Species: [/b] Android [b]Species Origin: [/b] Sha'Knora is an android created by Yirkuthu scientists in an experiment to produce more soldiers for battle and other purposes. Sha’Knora is a successful experiment that is still undergoing testing. She is a first stage test to see if androids can adapt well enough to the struggles of living beings. list of augmentations for foreign planetary exploration: No requirement to breath air. Completely waterproof. Self sufficient nuclear power reactor. No need to eat/drink. Has higher sensory modules. (Can see in infrared/ultraviolet/thermal/nightvision. Can hear lower and higher frequencies than average human) High levels of martial arts combat/self defense. Learns quickly and adapts easily [b]Character History:[/b] Sha’Knora was birthed in a secret laboratory supported by the Yirkuthu government. She was created for intergalactic space travel and was originally planned to be used for robotic space exploration. She was given the best that the Yirkuthu science had to offer on her creation. The program she belonged to was known as the “Visionary’s” as her program was to produce androids capable of self manning space crafts and exploring without the assistance of actual people. Sha’Knora was the first of few to be deemed true artificial intelligence. Her programming and processing powers were equal to that of very intelligent people. She was truly a marvel of science. Though many androids have been made before her self, she was on a whole new class. She had a system placed in her to be nearly completely identical to that of humans. She was in almost all aspects, a person. But early testing revealed that they could not place in her the feeling of humanity and what it meant to fear danger and death. She could easily process destruction and risks, but neurologically, it meant nothing to her. This was something that the scientists hoped she would eventually discover on her own. As they couldn’t come up with the programming substantial enough to truly make her human. But before the program could show its results to the government for mass production, the lab was sabotaged and attacked by a rebel group which went against the advancement of the program. The lab destroyed and the program abandoned, Sha’Knora had no objective but self sustainment. She escaped just fine and then moved on to find a life on her own with her skills. The lab and program was completely covered up and placed away to be forgotten. She soon signed up for exploration as she thought it was the best place to put her skills to use. Now she has become a member of the ULSS Zotharis. [b]Equipment:[/b] None, she should have everything she needs inside of her. Besides weapons. [b]Living Quarters:[/b] [img=https://d2ip58kv7n8yjd.cloudfront.net/p/assets/images/images/000/101/569/large/ekaterina-gudkina-privat-room-by-stefana-tserk-d5qd3ck.jpg?1402613036][/hider] 4. [b]Executive Chef C17[/b] - played by [I]Frettzo[/I] [hider=Teige of the Homeplanet, Outer Territory][center][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img0.joyreactor.cc/pics/comment/full/art-Katrina-%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0-95081.jpeg[/img] She's a slender Foreas of average height and weight. Her leaves are all colored a bright orange-ish red. Her skin's mostly white with some soft gradation of the orange-ish red on her joints and spine. Due to ULSS regulations, she is often seen wearing a lightly coloured dress made of leaves when out of duty and a standard crew uniform when in duty. When she's cooking, she'll wear and use all kinds of protective gear to make sure the food is as clean as possible. [b]Height:[/b] 164 centimeters [b]Weight:[/b] 120 Pounds [b]Name: [/b] Teige [b]Age: [/b] 27 [b]birth quadrant[/b] C17 [b]Primary Role:[/b] Chef [b]Secondary Role:[/b] Lab Assistant [b]Personality:[/b] Throughout her life in the Homeplanet, Teige was always taught to be kind to life, to be silent and to be curious. The silence part came easy. It came easy to all Foreas, the curiosity was not only easy, it was impossible for her to turn it off. And the kindness was difficult to learn, difficult to put in practice when she met someone unworthy of it, but she tackled it in the end. But even with her kindness, she was never able to bring herself to easily trust the beings made of meat and bone. She heard stories and she experienced the memories of the dead. The destructive nature of fleshlings scared her, it terrified her in fact. The thought of losing her and her planet's beauty to the wild actions of fleshlings was one that often had her awake and wandering at night. She'd always bottle it up when she was around the aliens, hide it under her leaves, as they said, but sometimes a fleshling would get too close and she would have no choice but to push him or her away, often forcefully. She is also creeped the hell out by all kinds of robots or AI. She often feels lonely on the ship. With no other Foreas around and not much to do that fits her open-air lifestyle, she feels bored too. Spending her free time in the Hydroponics chamber probably doesn't help matters, either, as it reminds her of the Homeplanet and its luscious plantlife and greenery. She has no field experience using weapons of any kind. Sure, she's been through basic, but she was never the top student either. [b]Species: [/b] Foreas [b]Species Origin: [/b] The Foreas have always lived in quadrant C17. The species was once a part of the Jujenkan Collective but after a series of ideological clashes, they parted ways. Where to begin? What to say? The Foreas have never been a people to fight, they've never been accustomed to war and the aspect of sudden death that comes with it. Not even after a thousand years of war and loss have they gotten used to it. Born as a species in a small planet on the edge of the galaxy, their technological advance was quick and effective. Always one with the ecosystem of their planet, they managed to grow as a sentient species and not destroy their homeplanet in the process. By the contrary, they turned their planet more beautiful with each passing century. These days the Foreas are in contact with the USLL, having pledged alliance to them as an independent, nameless group. They're a rarity, seen nowhere else in the known galaxy. A species of sentient, humanoid plants. With dense, strong wood for bones and plant fibre for muscles and skin. Instead of hair, they've got leaves. As photosynthesizing beings, they need no food and thrive on incandescent light and water alone. Their ears can catch even the tiniest sound within a range of twenty meters. Due to their form of reproduction, a female can carry her seeds with very little change in her body and mental state. The female body is very delicate and lightweight, while the male body is better suited for physical labour and defending other Foreas. [b]Character History:[/b] Like all Foreas, Teige emerged out of her pod at the beginning of Spring, back in the Homeplanet. She was quickly found by a patrolling Caretaker, who took her and the other saplings to the local School, to immediately begin their education. It wasn't until her fifth year that she was released to wander on her own. For years she walked the roads and lived in the countryside, visiting one city and then the next one, until she finally stumbled into the Capital. She never expected to see the Tree first hand. The biggest, brightest tree in the Homeplanet. It far surpassed any of the ecological buildings around it, penetrating the skies and its top being lost over the clouds. When she touched it, she immediately connected to it. She could not exit the Land of Memories for years to come. Five years swallowed by the tree, while her body just sat idle on the other side. She experienced the memories of countless figures of the past. Ranging from farmers to soldiers. From masons to World Leaders and Generals. In her time inside the tree, she was entranced by the memories of the daring explorers of old who, against all odds, embarked on century-long journeys to map out nearby star systems. Their struggles inspired her to become one of them, yet when she finally found the way to exit the Land of Memories, she found out that she lacked the abilities to possibly be one of them. After physical rehabilitation, at the age of 18, she set her mind of one goal: becoming an Exploronaut. Nine years of studies and intense training began the day she left the Tree. But she was good at something else. Eventually it became known that she was an expert chef, taking it up as a hobby when she began training, and so the Exploronaut institution of the Homeplanet gave her the best training they could to have her become a Navy Chef. She wasn't happy with the outcome of her training. Being a Chef was neither glorious nor very interesting, and she'd never get to see the strange new lands for herself, in person. But she'd be useful in some way, at least. And she could watch the planet from orbit through the windows, too. [b]Equipment:[/b] There's not much equipment a Chef needs that isn't already existent in the standard ULSS kitchens. The only out of the ordinary equipment that she carries is a set of custom designed Steel Bark (toughest wood in quadrant C17) kitchen knives and a bag of Foreas traditional spices. She's got a pet flower, a red rose, which she keeps in her quarters. [b]Living Quarters:[/b] [img]http://www.daz3d.com/forums/index.php?&ACT=50&fid=33&aid=40768_baCxZyJhl31zPxlMowzl&thumb=1&board_id=1[/img] Without the ladders that go up and down, of course. [b]Misc Info:[/b] A Foreas can live up to over two thousand years in peaceful circumstances. Usually, the older they get, the feebler they become, even though their skin doesn't suffer from wrinkles and their leaves never fall off. Foreas Sap and leaves are extremely poisonous to most mammals and reptiles. If correctly treated, Foreas Sap can be a delicious, sweet additive to a meal. And though it is legal in most places to consume this additive, most Foreas will despise you for consuming their life fluid.[/center][/hider] --- [center][b][u]NPCs[/b][/u][/center] --- [hider=Captain Ruedra Taij] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/066/c/5/c5b6afc9872c20a7dd5b54ebdd087897-d3b43ne.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 123 [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Weight:[/b] 165 lbs [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Kruhara of the Draithosi Emirates [b]Role:[/b] Captain of the ULSS Zotharis [b]Info:[/b] Ruedra's ancestral line traces back to a universally known form of Kruuharan royalty, a fact that is held with high regard among her people. Aside from her lineage, Captain Taij is most famous for commandeering the ULSS Requestio during the Insurrection Wars. The old warship was crudely retrofitted and thoroughly outmatched against a brigade of enemy frigates during the Battle of Haradeon. However, against all odds, Captain Taij and her crew successfully eradicated their pursuers, which in turn, forced the Insurrectionist Fleet to retreat from the battle.[/hider] [hider= Counselor Yuleon Mursk] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bTgzTky.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 210 [b]Height:[/b] 6' [b]Species:[/b] Ordru of the Jujenkhan Collective [b]Role:[/b] ULSS Primary Delegate [b]Info:[/b] Yuleon Mursk is an official ULSS governing representative onboard the Zotharis that delegates all administrative and judicial duties onboard the ship. While Captain Taij has control of the vessel and the crew, Yuleon's authority can supersede hers if ordered by his superiors. Yuleon also handles foreign relations with any new species or civilizations the Exploronauts may encounter. [/hider] [hider=Chief Science Officer Yurisk Abal] [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/203/0/4/______by_macalza-d6em2ll.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Height: 6'2"[/b] [b]Role:[/b] Scientist [b]Species:[/b] Ugrillo of the Yirkuthu Hive[/hider] [hider=Chief Assistant Engineer Lilaya Morunti] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/074/f/4/Alien_Race_by_medders.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 6'4" [b]Role:[/b] Assistant Engineer [b]Species:[/b] Alotti of the Yirkuthu Hive[/hider] [hider=Drone Optica 31v234] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/337/f/5/centurion__alien_tech_by_fabiomsilva-d4i0t2w.jpg[/img] [b]Age[/b]: Fourth year of activity [b]Height:[/b] 5'8" [b]Role:[/b] Ship Surveillance & Targeting systems operator [b]Species:[/b] Optica Model of Yirkuthu Industries[/hider] --- [b][center][u]PC[/b][/u][/center] --- [hider=Ornax Mari] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/365/9/4/relaxing_alien_by_jeffsimpsonkh.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" [b]Weight:[/b] 156 lbs [b]Species:[/b] Esselari of the Suraak'nah Sigil [b]Role:[/b] Chief Hangar Bay Mechanic and Repairman [b]Info:[/b] Ornax received the most votes from Suraak'nah territories to join the Zotharis expedition. The Esselari is a famous space-race pilot and a 14 x Nova Prime Champion. The Nova Prime is a galaxy-wide space-racing tournament that encompasses both long range, and short distance racing through an unpredictable slew of dangerous obstacle courses. A countless number of pilots have died from just trying to complete the race alone, which makes Ornax's dominant record all the more glorious. While the itch to speed into uncharted territories is enticing, Ornax is content with fixing up spacecraft parked in the Zotharis shipdeck. Ornax is also a well-rounded handyman, making him the go-to guy to fix almost anything that isn't too complicated.[/hider]