It was over. A hole of eroded, crunched metal rested square in the torso of the hulking remains of what had once been the Orci. The Warrior Rodent barely stood, panting, bleeding from the wound that had been punched in his shoulder. He almost lost it there, stumbling to the side from exertion and pain. Steadying himself now, he stood, staggering forward, leaking a trail of blood behind him. Turning away, he closed his eyes, clutching the throat of his former adversary in his claws. "Sorry... but you don't get another chance..." he muttered, shattering the head from the body with a sharp grasp, sending the metaloid corpse spiraling into bits of data, "I don't feel like dealing with you again..." The data flowed across the Mega's blue armor, repairing the cracks and dents, rejuvenating the external data-body that the two tired minds within shared. It was over- -and yet something was wrong. The data, when it had been free, seemed to be pulling in one specific direction, and WarCapidramon Hunts Mode felt that pull now. Something was there, out in the distance- two things actually, that he seemed to be drawn towards. It was almost as though one had been there the whole time, and he just noticed it now- or maybe the strain of fighting in the Digital World again had finally gotten to him and he was spiraling into madness. Either way, he pushed on, aimlessly wandering in the direction in which he thought something might be. After what felt like hours, but could have been mere minutes of walking, he saw in the distance a chunk of debris, around which several figures were huddled. He couldn't recognize any of them, but he didn't figure it mattered. Either way, it would be an end- a way out of the fighting one way or another. His head dropped, and it was then he noticed a small, red, dinosaur like figure that he had almost stepped on. Without even thinking, he reached down and lifted the small creature, bringing it to eye level. "Oh..." a voice that did not seem to fit the large form of the Mega exclaimed, "Do I... know you?"