Story so far: A group of scientists, almost all deceased at this point, recreated the infamous ghost portal and put it on display in a museum. They successfully made a fully functional copy and barely tested it, as the first test was successful and ghosts passed through that they could barely contain. Six deaths from opening it once, and the 2 remaining scientists admit to not catching the single ghost that escaped. They named it Glas. The portal was shut down as quickly as possible, and now sits inactive in a museum. That's where a few crazy kids and young adults come in. They were at the museum during normal hours and they got to the exhibit. A clear plug was lying next to it, with about four cameras watching it at all times. It was tempting though, and Mark got an idea. Mark was going to plug it in. And that is where our story begins. Also Cinderella Man will be co GM in this RP. We will be controlling the evil ghosts in this, of which there are multiple. Character sheets! [hider=Sheets]Normal Human Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Pic or description) Personality: Short history: Other: Shifter Name: Age: Gender: Living Appearance: (Pic or description) Ghost Appearance: (same as above) Ghost abilities: (other than the flight, intangibility, invisible, normal ghost stuff. A good example would be Danny’s Ectoplasm laser.) Personality: Short history: Other: Pure ghost: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Pic or Description) Ghost abilities: (other than the flight, intangibility, invisible, normal ghost stuff. A good example would be Danny’s Ectoplasm laser.) Personality: Short history of life: Short history of afterlife: Other:] Sheets[/hider] My character Shifter [hider= Mark Baren]Name: Mark Baren Age: 17 Gender: Male Living Appearance: [img=] Ghost Appearance: The same look, but with white hair, crimson suit/eyes and his fingers are elongated, resembling spider legs with talons on the end. His hair is slicked back as well. The claws look like this, as his hands are basically the only drastic change I felt they needed a picture. (ignore everything else, he looks nothing like the thing the claws are attached to) [img=] Ghost abilities: Ghost Tear: A temporary portal to the ghost world opens by cutting a hole in the air with the claws. A Magic Carpet Ride: Mark can show others a whole new world. By ripping their souls from their body temporarily. Whirling Blade: Mark generates spirit circular saw like things and throws them. Personality: Mark is a laid back individual. He doesn’t care about things enough and just tends to roll with the tide, if he even decides to go anywhere at all. He always has some input to everything though, whether it be a joke or a real suggestion. Short history: Mark was born back in ‘96 and grew up in two one parent households since he was 2. He doesn’t remember the divorce, and it hasn’t affected him at all. He spent a lot of time traveling from his mothers home in a small town and his father’s apartment in a big city. His father was the fun,. no rules parent, while his mother had a strict set of rules. This made Mark naturally like his father more, and eventually he stopped going to visit her, regardless of how her rules benefitted him. This is when he stopped caring about many important things in life and his grades dropped significantly. He almost flunked out but managed to just scrape by with straight c’s. Other: Mark does not smoke as much pot as everyone says he does.]My charrie[/hider]