Thirty-six droids, he counted. Thirty-six metal carapaces strewn across the plated floor around him, limbs and weapons scattered all over the place. This group of battle droids had been activated as two Jedi had pushed through the defenses on the opposite side of the building. In short, this was backup that never came. Jaskan Voth had seen to that. While his companions had made a loud entry at the front, he had snuck around back and waited for a moment to strike. Droids weren't exactly perceptive, and even Jaskan was able to sneak past and eliminate the two simple minded sentries with the clever use of a handful of rocks. A classic, but effective move. From there, the rest was a easy as pie. They already knew that the separatists kept a small droid force in reserve just in case, and so all he had to do, was to find a nice secluded little spot somewhere near the most direct route to the main office, where the separatist leader would soon call upon them. So it was that the reserve battle droid force came clunking down the hallway, all grouped together in a nice square formation. All Jaskan had to do was to place himself right in the middle of them all with a well-aimed jump, assisted by the force, before spinning twice on the heel, slashing through steel and wires before the droids could even register that they were under attack. They all fell in one swoop, but he had swung once more to make sure. The clattering of their collapsed bodies echoed down the hall. Now it was time to join up with master Oabre and her Padawan, Nima. He had been assigned to serve under Oabre during this mission after his own master had perished in an ambush at Corruscant. He mourned the loss deeply, but had burried his sorrow within and filled his mind with focus on the mission instead. That he had been assigned to assist a master and her padawan, and given much freedom as to how he would go about it, instead of being assigned directly under a new master, could only mean one thing. The council was testing him. To see if he was ready to become a Jedi knight. He didn't know if he was ready, but he would do as he was told. If they thought it was time, then who was he to say otherwise? He slowly made his way towards the main office, but something didn't seem right. It was quiet, too quiet. He could sense that something was wrong. But what? "I have a bad feeling about this.." He muttered to himself. He started walking slowly, with soft and decisive steps. His dual-bladed light-saber resting at his hip. His white padawan robes and overweight body wasn't exactly hard to spot as he came down the middle of the hallway, but he was hoping he would run into his companions first, and not whatever was causing the disturbance in his mind.