Kenzo didn't freeze in fear, but rather stood in confusion. Several others had begun to take action. A creature was heading their way, and it was huge. It was obvious that all of them would have to make a group effort to take the beast down. Problem was, they barely had any equipment. Some had decided to hit and run, hoping to injure it, and one actually started chanting nearby. Kenzo was quick, but it was distracted by the others. He decided to play it safe and wait for a chance to help out. During his wait, the chanting one had suddenly yelled to lure the creature near him. Kenzo was close, so he heard it, but others were combating it, and may not have heard him. Kenzo sighed, because he had found the moment he was looking for. Only, it was not quite as safe as he thought it would be. He would have to catch the creature's attention and run towards the chanter. This could mean that the creature could rip Kenzo to pieces the moment the action began. [i]no other choice...[/i] thought Kenzo. He dashed to the beast with great speed and clawed at it's body a few times. He made a dash towards the chanting man, hoping that the creature wouldn't catch him first.