[i]“Rally men! Apprehend this traitor to the holy cause and protect your leader with your lives. This is a test of faith. Do not forget that you are the warriors of the Holy Order.”[/i] -Lothar, Page 6. [center][b]The Hunt for Diana[/b][/center] --- The man in orange didn't really have anything to add to the discussion at hand, though Stotgar certainly did as he looked at Nadira and Matthew. [b]"Oh, well... I suppose... That would be the smart thing t' do. 'Fer a couple o' not Dwarves."[/b] He almost looked disappointed at the fact that they weren't going to set off the obvious trap as Matilda, his crossbow, shuddered. Nadira would feel it in slight turmoil, reacting to Stotgar's disappointment. Matthew on the other hand searched through the caverns. Down the path choked with dragonkin he felt what was exactly described: Monstrous beasts, violence, and a deep hungering. Down the middle path he felt the presence of a powerful wicca, a woman with magic akin to that of a warlock, though he sensed no ill intent. Down the cold path, he felt nothing for a moment, utterly and absolutely nothing... Then he felt... Himself. The only thing he could discern was that the right path reflected his own telepathic powers back at him, but they weren't all in the same time frame: Some were older, some were younger. A few moments pass as Stotgar awkwardly shuffles his boot on the floor. Before he can say anything more about violence, the man in orange would flinch, and Matthew would hear a voice in his mind. [b]"Ah... You were the one... To reach out."[/b] The voice was feminine, likely the witch. [b]"Come, be not afraid, I am no threat to you. My name is Kiune, I am a friend of the one which you seek, and I have your test to see if you may see her."[/b] Her voice was soft and welcoming, and yet, while Nadira could not hear it, she could sense magic afoot within the pleasant, rosy scent now. It was meant to soothe and dull the senses, likely to capture people, or at least make them less aware of their environment. Meanwhile, Stotgar continued to stand there, completely unaware of what was going on. [b]"... Erm... You tall folks seein' something I'm not? Matilda's wonderin' if ye' all be havin' an episode o' mania now?... We gonna go somewhere? Point at a tunnel and I will go, you know, I am not scared!"[/b] The man in orange whispers to both Matthew and Nadira with his telepathy. [i]"I can confirm that Diana has a friend who is a witch who helps protect her. I cannot confirm if this Kiune is indeed this person, though... Your call. Pick a tunnel and go, I will follow."[/i]