Myztii shrugged a bit and crossed her arms, tilting her hip against one of the sinks near her. She glanced back to the door, listening to the sounds of people trying to spread out so that they weren't so cramed near each other. She looked back to Joe quietly for a moment, as if wondering what would be the best way of answering his questions. "Well, that's really for me to know and you to not find out. A lady never tells her tricks. What I find most interesting though, is how do you have that baton in an airport? That's clearly a weapon of choice.. And with all the newest air restrictions I find it a bit suprising that they allowed you in the building with it... Or even on a plane, unless you are in fact from this area?" More voices could be heard as someone else had come up to the door and began beating on it once they realized it was closed. Clearly upset, a woman outside tried calling to them. [i]"Open this door! Who's in there?! Hello!! Open the damn door!!"[/i] Myztii tensed slightly and held her finger up to her lips making a gentle [i]Shhh[/i] to Joe. Moments later, the sound would ease off, then stop all together. Sighing lightly she looked to the door then back to the man huddling against the wall. "There are plenty of bathrooms on this level of the airport, but if anyone knew you were using this place as your own personal bunker... I'm sure there would be total hell to pay." She offered a light smile, hoping to ease his nerves a bit as she clearly wasn't a threat to him... Unless he had a fear of cameras. "What is your name?"