Zelia said nothing as they spoke. She kept her face blank and un-telling. The only action she really to was moving to block Skye from her sister slightly, siblings or not, Zelia didn't like Tye and she could feel that Skye wasn't comfortable around her either. Zelia looked at Ryzo as he calmed explained what had happened. Despite all of his talking with his subtle, and not so subtle, threats, she didn't believe half of it. However, she kept her face calm. When he finished, looking at her promising it wouldn't happen again, she crossed her arms. She spoke, her voice like ice, as she held his eyes, "I have a hard time believing that anyone of those in your [I]ranks[/I] would dare go against an [i]order[/I] with you being as [I]ruthless[/I] as you say you are." She shook her head and a smiled slightly, "I think the only disorder in your ranks, was that I woke up." She grabbed Trex's arm, knowing he would be the hardest to get to move away, "Let's go. They clearly are to [I]barbarous[/I] to tell the truth." Holding Trex's arm she pulled him away from the Caelum wizards. She wanted to scream and shout, she wanted to get as angry as she was. However, what good that do her, do any of them. It would just make her appear pathetic. She looked over her shoulder and Ryzo before shaking her head and watching where she was going. She dropped Trex's arm and sighed. She looked up at the sky and just stood there, "That was stupid of me... To think that we'd actually get an answer," she looked at Skye, "I'm sorry for making you do that... I shouldn't have. I should have just known that they wouldn't tell us why they did it... I'm sorry."