Kayetan stood at the bow of the ship as it eased its way into harbour of Arunin. While he was no stranger to the cities and nations of Lemea, he never failed to feel a strange sense of apprehension every time he approached a new city, mainly for fear of being recognized. This was the first time he was leaving the Yaes Numir Seyur; within those lands, he was safe from almost all enemies. The neutrality of the Commonwealth had insulated him from whatever infighting there was between the constituent nations of the Alliance. The only true enemy of the Commonwealth was the Geworians and their agents were hardly going to notice a single minor Commonwealth noble when there were so many other juicier targets to choose from. However, outside of the Yaes Numir Seyur, Kayetan became a lot more noticeable. There was always the possibility that a Geworian agent might notice him; he did look a lot like his father, who had led his fair share of Commonwealth armies south to confront the invading Geworians. While Kayetan was willing to admit that perhaps he was being paranoid - after all, the most anyone would be able to tell from just glancing at him would be that he was a native of the Commonwealth - he liked to make sure every possible eventuality had its own contingency plan. He was no free-spirited Vastermannen. The Svekkern were nothing if not a cautious race. The ship came to a halt and ropes were thrown to dockworkers to moor it to the pier. Kayetan turned around and walked towards the gangplank to meet the captain. "Thank you for the trip. It was not as unpleasant as I had expected." Kayetan said and dug out a bag of coins from his coat pocket, handing it to the captain. "Your payment as agreed before the trip. It should be correct. I weighed and counted it myself on the second day of the journey." The captain took the bag and let out an amused chuckle. "They weren't kiddin' when they said you Svekkern types were serious 'bout everythin'." He said and pocketed the bag. "Well, welcome to Arunin. You should be able to find your own way around, yeah?" "I believe I can handle myself, but I appreciate the concern." Kayetan said and nodded to the captain before walking down the gangplank and onto the pier. Almost immediately, Kayetan could see another way he stood out among the crowd. He still wore the same clothes he had worn when he left the Commonwealth. A dark blue, knee-length, hooded coat along with grey pants tucked neatly into calf-high boots. It was by no means extravagant, but it did look a bit too warm, considering the climate of Arunin. Kayetan shook his head slightly as he walked off the pier and towards the city itself. At most, he just looked like a Commonwealth citizen who was fresh off the boat. To be safe, however, Kayetan pulled up the hood and kept as much of his face hidden as he possibly could. He wandered the streets, keeping an eye out for a good tavern to ask around for jobs for an adventurer. From experience, he avoided those close to the docks; they were bound to be teeming with people like himself and any job available would be quickly snatched away by someone else. He also avoided the more run-down taverns. It was unlikely that they would attract the sort of patrons that would be looking to hire adventurers for honest work. Kayetan wanted to see the world, but he would much rather prefer to see it while on the right side of the law. Eventually, he found one close to one of the city gates, but what drew his attention was the filthy, half-naked man calling out for help in the middle of the street. People walked passed without paying him any heed and Kayetan could understand why. From the looks of it, the man had not washed himself for a very long time and had the smell to prove it. For a moment, Kayetan wondered if he should just walk on by, pretending that he had not seen or heard anything, but he simply could not. His clan, the Kulsomfall, had a long tradition of offering help to all who needed it, stemming from his ancestors offering refuge to those who needed a place to escape the freezing temperatures of the north. With a sigh, Kayetan hurried forward and pulled the man to his feet, all the while doing his best to ignore the stench. "What happened to you?" Kayetan asked quickly and supported the man's weight. "Do you have a name?" He continued, then quickly realized that the man was probably in no shape to talk. He needed food and drink and perhaps a place to rest. "There is a tavern right in front of us. I will bring us there, is that fine with you?"