Characeter Sheet: Name: Rilyn Naor Alias: Copycat Age: 23 Appearance: [hider=Rilyn Naor] [img=] [/hider] Rilyn wears his prison clothing in the style they were intended to be worn in, in addition to his glasses. Personality: Rilyn is a slow to anger person, though when his anger is roused, he can completely lose control. In general though, he has a tendency to be extremely contemplative, letting his thoughts wander, oftentimes giving the impression to others that he doesn't care about what is happening around him. In truth though, he is paying attention and he notes everything he sees for later reference, only in part to augment his power. History: Rilyn grew up as an average kid in the U.S., playing video games, enjoying time with his friends, graduating from high school, and getting a job in fast food, eventually becoming a part-time manager. During high school, he developed a passion for music, and spent nearly all of his time playing various instruments, focusing on mostly the piano, guitar, and the violin. After graduation, he spent about a year working his dead end job before going to college. Right before he graduated from college (majoring in musical performance), he was watching somebody play a song on the piano that he had eventually hoped to learn how to play. Five minutes later, he played that same song almost perfectly-making only the exact same mistake that had been made by the classmate he had seen play it moments ago. Over the next few weeks, he experimented with this phenomenon, trying to learn various songs on various instruments. He found that after watching somebody play a song on an instrument, he could play it exactly as they had, and, after some experimentation, he was able to modify the way he played it more to his liking, not just a perfect copycat. However, a few weeks later, he was no longer able to recreate the effect. After graduation, he found himself with more free time, and spent the next few months experimenting even more with his power. Not only could he recreate somebody playing a song, but any physical activity. He would watch a pro fighter, and become a pro fighter of that same style of fighting. He could watch a rock climber and gain their technical skill. Unlike music however, he was only able to maintain the skill for a couple days at best, but both experienced a steady decline over the period of time that he was able to use them. It was at this point that he was kidnapped, and taken to prison, though he does not remember the details, having been apparently drugged for his capture. Skills: Musical performance, and of course, his power. Power: Adoptive Muscle Memory. He is able to copy the physical skill of anybody he watched using that skill, for a small period of time. If he had any skill in it to begin with, he maintains the skill for a longer period of time. Threat Level: 1