Adomorn had been awake for many hours. He could not sleep with the haunting fact that something dark was looming over the horizon. The sky was only turning a light blue as the sun and moon were about to meet each other. He watched the horizon, cold and calculating eyes kept its sight trained at the darkness as his mind worked up different things that it might be. An army? No, impossible, no man or pokemon would dare attack Urael, not when their guard and militia was so strong. Not to mention the guardian legendaries who dwelled in the halls and through out the town. Than what? Moving away from the window he went to his many books that adorned the high ceiling walls, books of all ages and kinds were collected. Taking down a few of the ancient scrolls from their kingdoms archive he began to read. He did not even notice the time of hour, or how the sky was changing colors from the night blue to white clouds, trapped within clear seas. It was the mischievous pokemon Zoroark who brought him out of his trance. The illusionist Pokemon was a trickster by nature and enjoyed playing tricks on many of the castle's help and residence. Still the pokemon would slip away without getting caught a single time. As Adomorn was invested in the scrolls, trying to find something that could explain the strange happenings, he opened one and a snake came out, hissing and trying to sink it's fang into the wizard. The blonde male yelped in fear and was about to throw the scroll when he heard his dark pokemon begin to chuckle softly which soon got louder until he was rolling on the floor laughing. The white robed male glared at his companion in annoyance. "Zoroark, what was the meaning of that?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to keep him calm. [b]It was all too easy Adomorn, you leave yourself susceptible to all my tricks. You should have heard your voice."[/b] The pokemon continued to laugh until he remembered something very important. [b]It is already late in the early morning, you must hurry, the princess has called a meeting. Or did you forget throughout your studying?"[/b] Asked the pokemon who tilted its head, a smirk curling humorlessly at Adomorn's sudden realization. The man looked to the window and noticed the sun brightly lighting the room. Quickly he grabbed his staff, fleeing from the room, his Zoroark beside him as they both ran. He hoped the princess would forgive his tardiness. As the two entered the room, through the closed doors, they silently made it to their seat, bowing their head in good morning and as an apology for being so terribly late. But when he took his seat he noticed that even the young Princess Adelaide was late...where ever she may be. [centre]☾◯☽ [/centre] Adelaide had always been carefree, an untamed spirit that like lightning, you never knew where it was going to strike. Ever since she could walk she would flee away and find different and hidden places in the palace, though sometimes it was against Raiku's wishes, she would go ahead and sometimes it would end up either finding a treasure (whether it be a secret passage or another room), or getting stuck, getting bit, scaring a clan of Zubats from their resting place and freaking her out, or having her parents or other members of the house finding her and sending her to her room.Either way, Adelaide saw herself as an adventurer and she was a young girl who rode atop her protective companion's back from dawn until dusk. But now it was different, Raiku would never take her out through the plains anymore. Recently he had detoured their early morning runs and instead leaped through the mountains by the kingdom. Sure it was nice to jump from ledge to ledge, holding tight as she felt the cold chill of mountain air against her face and through her curly mane, but the plains were easier to run and she missed the speed Raiku would go at. Once the two made it so close to the ocean...if it only it wasn't for the [u]Donovan[/u] who's bird pokemon followed her and warned her parents about her venturing off too far from home. The princess stood atop one of the highest peaks on one of the many mountains that Raiku took her to. he said it would be a sight she would love. And as she sat against Raiku, the tiger-like pokemon furling his body around her, she saw a beautiful view of all of Urael. She had never witnessed anything so breathtakingly beautiful, and for a second she could not believe that it was her home. How the sun shined and made each building sparkle, how the greenery made her home seem like a fantasy land out of a story her mother once read to her. "Wow." Was all she could say, words not able to form. [b]"'wow' indeed my princess, This is the Kingdom you have lived in for many years and now you can see it from a different view."[/b] He said looking over the kingdom. [b]"But that is not only why I brought you here. Look to the horizon, passed the plains."[/b] His tone was grave and this alarmed the female. But not as alarming as what she saw next. A distance away she could see the darkness that shrouded the edge of the horizon. "What is that?" She was concerned, curious, and most of all afraid. [b]"That I do not know."[/b] "Does my sister know?" She asked in a panic as she stood, Raiku coming up from his lying position and offered his back to her. [b]"I am sure your sister has seen this. But we must hurry. There is a meeting that you are late for."[/b] The unruly haired female's blue eyes widened as she jumped atop of the giant cat's back as he descended the mountain quickly, taking large leaps and running across the rooftops with such speed the female had to clench the purple waves. As they neared the castle Raiku jumped from balcony to balcony until he jumped through the window of the gathering place. Raiku skidded to a stop and Adelaide jumped off, not even wanting to look at the reflection of how she might look, especially after the damage the speed and air did to her hair, the normal curly top was a poofy curly top. She looked to her sister and it seemed that [u]Zokura[/u] really was not surprised to have seen her sister jump through the window. Maybe a disappointed in how the young, soon to be lady, looked, but definitely not surprised. Looking around the table the youngest, and last daughter gave each of the members of the guard and her adoring family a big smile and a "Good Morning." Before resting a hand on Raiku who stood protectively at her side. He shook his head a bit, but maybe to hide the inner chuckle he surprised. His lovely princess's hair did look ridiculous.