The bitterly cold winds atop the glacier were dancing across Antoine's wing suit covered skin. However, to her, it was no worse really than a high-altitude jump, as both happened to be unbelievably cold. Her mind instinctively gauged the distance between her current position and their LZ in the base, and judged how fast she could get there, and how slowly she was actually going to get there. These two numbers were vastly different, because Antoine always took her time when using her modified wing suit for leisure. The suit was much lighter and featured a dramatic modification, it very rarely mounted a parachute. Antoine could land just like the birds she so adored, and she could control her suit better than anyone else. Tucked into a holster on her left thigh was her ever-present P226 sidearm, and on her right was a Camilius combat knife, the same one she'd carried in the Legion. She was never without either of these things as, unlike the others, she was always prepared for a fight. Turning her head to face the large Russian, just to have her vision filled with the bottom of the Russian's large breasts. Antoine was willing to admit, the Russian was sexy, incredibly so. Indeed she practically oozed sex appeal from every pore, however she had her eyes set on a man, the team's resident viking Bjorn. She smiled slightly at a passing thought of the aforementioned viking and said "Oui Lana." This was the nickname Antoine had chosen for the Russian, since Svetlana was far too long in her opinion, "I'm ready to go. I won't even race you this time, since I want to take my time." She then got to her feet and took a few steps back, spreading her arms and allowing her wings to spread out just a bit more. Then, the women who was light as air got a running start and jumped. For a brief moment, the feeling of falling reached Antoine as she angled her body for the low-flying, high-risk flight she was to take. Then, she spread her arms more and the wings on her suit fully filled out. Just like that, the air caught her and embraced her, carrying the Swede safely towards the ground. Sure, she was going at breakneck speeds that would kill her instantaneously if she were to hit the ground, but she knew she wouldn't. Antoine was far too good, and the wind far too kind to her, for that to happen. Just as she was nearing the point of no return, she angled up into actual flight. Antoine's giddy laughter filled the air as she floated through the sky like the birds she'd held so precious to her in childhood. By simply changing the angle of her arms, she changed her direction and began heading on their route to the base. Antoine knew of the thermals on this island so well she could hit them blindfolded, gagged, and with her ears cut off most likely. She instinctively angled into them, the warmer winds carrying her up and giving her precious altitude. The path Antoine took to base was long and winding, taking her around the various landmarks of the island, or rather the lack thereof. It was only 20 minutes of flight before Antoine was descending into the base, though in reality it should have only taken the infiltrator 5-8 minutes to get there if she were going for speed. However, it still wasn't short enough for the woman as she descended to the ground again. As she got there, she effortlessly flared herself up to reduce her speed. Then, in one swift motion, brought her arm down and unzipped the wing suit, allowing her to easily fall the last 20 feet to the ground. Tucking into a roll as she landed, Antoine was on her feet in less than a second as she stood up with one, fluid motion. She then took off at a run, catching her precious suit as it reached the ground a little further up than her. Though base security, and indeed her higher ups, never ceased to complain about the many heart-attacks she provided them with on account of her dangerous hobby and even more dangerous landing method, she hadn't messed up yet and so never failed to ignore these complaints. Beneath her wingsuit, protecting her modesty, was her infiltrator suit. She reclaimed her holster and sheathe from the wing suit before making her way to her room to change. She unzipped the infiltration suit and let it fall from her body once she was alone, leaving a completely naked Antoine standing in the center of her room. She immediately donned her underwear and casual clothing before trooping into the common room, where she found the rest of her team waiting. Instinctively, she chose a rarely taken route to the room and slide into a nearby chair quietly so as to avoid alerting the people she worked with on a daily basis. She only alerted them with a softly spoken greeting of "Bonjour, Mes Amis. How are you all?" As ever, Antoine's eyes were fixed firmly on her lap, though she occasionally glanced up at Bjorn, just to blush and immediately look back down.