[quote=Gravislayer] The problem is he automatically uses his powers~ i found it fair since he has to release them and well....either the release is drawing attention or him getting close to a miniature of a red freaking hulk....with a better haircut of course. IF you want i can also add a bigger birthmark covering his back or chest~ [/quote] A birthmark would be nice, but now I understand your position on how strong his curse is. Blacksam: I can work with that, tone down the precision to keep the power and loose the geometric spatial relation. Cybelle: really nice, just about what i was looking for on the first try. One thing is that your human image is [image] to me, can you double check the code in the cs or provide a link? Dizzy: I think the third eye is a good idea, if you keep it on the back of your neck i'll let you see what is behind you as well when it is uncovered. @ everyone: Double check your Histories, odds are I am going to use something in there for a plot device later on down the line.