[img=http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/MeganPhantom/emilia4.jpg] Allegra "Allie" Monday Seventeen | White Witch Powers;; -General magical abilities like spell casting (including elemental and energy magic, protective spells and wards, locating spells, heightening of senses, etc) and potion making -Her magical ability is delicate and sensitive, giving her a natural talent for the more meticulous craft, like illusions, persuasion, and very minor healing. -Her sensitivity also gives her uniquely strong empathic abilities that allow her to sense and manipulate the emotions of others, as well as see auras -She also has recently developed the ability of astral projection -Not really a power, but she's very intelligent and dedicated to practice and study, which makes her very knowledgeable about magic and other creatures Weaknesses;; -Beyond her magical talents she is a normal human -She doesn't have the brute magical strength needed to allow her to perform combat magic with ease or for extended periods of time -Her acute sensitivity to the magic, energy, and emotions around her is overwhelming at times, and she is sometimes influenced by the strong emotions of others -She does not have firm control of her astral projection abilities yet, and that can make her vulnerable Other;; -Very quiet, usually has her nose in a book -Likes baking a lot for some reason -Also likes brewing potions, including experimenting with recipes of her own and maybe trying a few of the more advanced ones for fun -Basically a bit of a nerd -Will take a secret that's told to her to the grave [img=http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/MeganPhantom/LaurentAdoroar_WithintheCastle_ProfilePic_zps402c337d.jpg] Jehoel "Joel Kline" Claiming to be Eighteen | Fallen Angel Powers;; -Healing Powers -Immunity to some powers, like mind control and Allure, as well as diseases and Earthly Weapons -Longevity -His true form is overwhelming to most beings -Stronger, faster, and more durable -Can perform minor miracles and flight with his wings Weaknesses;; -Demonic weapons -Angelic traps -Being away from Heaven and in a humanoid body is slowly weakening him -Demon blood is like poison to him Other;; -None of the students know he is a full angel and just think he's half angel -Did not fall from Heaven willingly. He will only say that he was betrayed -Being at the school is a sort of penance, and he's desperate to finally go home -More than a little bit haughty when it comes to the amount of demonic creatures at the school -Keeps his distance and hasn't made any strong friendships since finding himself on Earth