Kayetan furrowed his brow when he heard the man mention that people were looking for him. Just what exactly had he gotten himself into? Regardless, the chance for Kayetan to back out had long since passed, and if the people looking for the man came looking for trouble, then Kayetan would just have to deal with it. "Careful," Kayetan warned as they navigated the floor of the tavern towards a quiet corner, where hopefully few people would pay them any attention. They attracted several curious gazes, but all of them were harmless. Just people wondering what a pale-skinned Svekkern was doing with what appeared to be a homeless man. "Stay here," Kayetan said as he gently lowered the man onto a seat. He removed the bag slung across his back and placed it on the table. Opening it, he pulled out a half-full canteen of water. It was hardly clean water, but it had been boiled and condensed several times, making it at least somewhat safe to drink. The fact that Kayetan was still alive proved that much, though he did use it exclusively to water down wines or ales that were much too strong for his liking. Anything that was processed was far safer than water that could have been taken from a stream used as a toilet by some village upstream. "Drink this, but do it slowly. Try not to choke yourself." He said and stood up. "If you find any food in my pack, do not eat it. It might quite possibly kill you." Starvation was not something that was new to Kayetan, though this was perhaps the first time he was trying to prevent it rather than cause it. During his campaigns against the northern tribes, one of the most effective tactics were to destroy any and all food producing facilities. It was dirty, bordering on dishonourable, but Kayetan had never heard of a war that was fought in an entirely clean or honourable way. It was a small comfort to the victims of the artificially induced famine, but it was what Kayetan told himself to allow him to at least get a good night's sleep. At the very least, Kayetan could take heart in knowing that what he learned would help one person. The man was going to need something easy on the stomach, and the only thing Kayetan could think of was gruel or porridge. He approached a waitress and pointed to his table. "A bowl of porridge, plain and preferably hot, please." He said. The waitress nodded and headed off for where Kayetan assumed was the kitchen. He walked back to the table and sat down opposite the man. "You mentioned people finding you. Are you in any sort of trouble I should know about?" Kayetan asked.