Just than the door to the tavern burst open showing Tavar dressed as Kyle when he was doing business mottled gray cloth shirt and pants that was backed with steel plate. A wide leather belt that hung four daggers, and a short sword. He mimicked Kyle's predatory walk and liquid grace so easily it was unsettling. Even though Tavar had none of Kyle's mastery of the weapons that hung at his belt. though what caught the eye most was the shimmer steel mask that looked like a demon's head. He even used Kyle's other mannerisms and voice . "Well looks like a lost fox has found his way into the wolves den. Can i help you ? " Tavar's voice was smooth and sure like that of one of the aristocrats. Tavar thought and sent a message to Kyle 'should we stab him and throw him off the docks ? ' Kyle kept a blank face as he thought back 'no i don't know this man named Silver. though i would like to know what he did to piss someone off so much they would want to capture him.' Kyle and Tavar both knew the only reason someone would go to the trouble of capture was for extended torture especially in a place like the Warren. Kyle spoke aloud " Hey if you want you might want to try the Thieves highway it's one of the fastest ways to get around the city " Kyle baited him with this information if he was local he would know what Kyle was saying, The thieves highway was the term used for the roof tops of the Warren where if one was agile enough they could run from roof top to roof top avoiding guards and checkpoint along with not having to bother with the network of alleyways and streets that made up this cramped part of the city.