Dorian's head tilts to the side as the young one pulls away from him. When he turns around, still laying flush against his chest, he cocks an eyebrow curiously. [i]'Well, something seems to have sparked'[/i] He hums softly as James nuzzle against him and he brings his hands up to rest across the arch of the newborn's back. [i]'I like this. He seems to be settling quickly'[/i] His mind drifts a bit, his full belly and close quarters to another body calming him. However when the boy poses his question his mind snaps back to it's usual sharp state. He tries to look down at the young man in his arms, however just as he moves James snugs up even closer limiting Dorian's head movements. [i]'Something definitely sparked. That tone, his clinging, I can almost feel his fear of the possibility'[/i] A low growl finds it's way out between his lips as once again James sets fang to his neck. The growl however isn't threatening and devolves into a hum as he lets the boy drink while he thinks. [i]'Perhaps something about the story reminded him of his own life, or the actual trip here to the colonies. I can feel the bond between us strengthening with each drop of my blood he consumes, and his mind will become clearer as we become closer. However, that does not mean his memory will return readily. I know many a vampire who have that moment in their unlife, their rebirth, sealed away in a place they can not access'[/i] Running his hand up James's back he takes a gentle hold on the back of his head and pulls him from his neck. Pulling him back just far enough to look into the young one's eyes he smiles, leaning in to lap away a stray drop of blood from the corner of his mouth. As he leans back he says in a soft, low voice. “If he made you, or one close to him, does not matter. You are mine now, and all this hunting will not change that.” Bringing his hand to the boy's forehead he brushes his bangs back gently. “This hunt if for my job though, so if you are recalling anything, no matter how small, please tell me Little One. . .” He continues to smooth his fingers through the young man's hair as he waits.