Aerrea stepped into one of the many taverns on one of the larger streets near the entrance to the town and after taking a look which was well-hidden as an attempt to locate a waiter she saw two man which stuck out as sore thumbs, one in obviously bad condition and the other unmistakably being a Svekkeren, a race she encountered during the Fourth Campaign of Gorran Highlands back in Seyur, a bloody part of the ongoing war in which the Geworian Empire tried, for the fourth time, to take the Gorran Highlands. As she walked up to the table, observing the Svekkeren in the process, the other person was so covered in dirt that it was impossible to tell who it was, she remembered the Svekkeren which fought in Gorran. The cold Gorran winter had just begun and Seyur had troubles dealing with Geworain units of the Seliar Knights which were well used to such conditions, only the arrival of Svekkern troops and the information about a crucial Geworian supply convoy for the Seliar Knights that she provided allowed them to halt the Geworian advance until spring when a renewed Seyur army retook all that the Geworians claimed during the winter and forced them back to Weor Fort in the Gorran (Mountain) Pass. Then she recognized the Svekkeren sitting at the table, it was no other then the hair of Kulsomfall, one of the two Svekkeren clans which was almost always present when Seyur called upon the Svekker-Vastermannen Commonwealth, one of the four clans which came into Gorran during the Fourth Campaign. She stopped in front of him and did spoke up, only that him and the unknown man across him cloud hear: "I am Aerrea h's Fargur Zeharr. I salute you Kayetan Svarst'Kulsomfall." Then she pulled out a knife out of her sleeve, and with the blunt side of the blade made a quick pass across her hand and then the small finger, the first was a custom of all those which serve or served under the banners of Seyur while the other was the way that informants, assassins and other members of the Seyur which were involved with shadowy methods greeted other Seyur member. Then she quickly went on with a remark, while returning the knife into her sleeve: "It is alright if I sit here?" She then waited for his reply, while remembering that he was at the time of the Gorran war, some 4 years after she left Fharis, he was still confined inside the Commonwealth due to some incident that she didn't remember anymore. Narikawa would know but the demon was asleep and she had no intention of waking him up. If any magical danger approaches her Immes would warn her.