Morrison had woken up rather early as usual making sure to get his morning coffee before sitting down to a quiet house. He knew Audrey would probably wake up later, it was a day off, and there was no need to rush the girl on such a day. Though he would most likely make breakfast soon enough and he would make sure to keep some warm for when his daughter got up. Until then however, he would enjoy the solitude of the early morning watching outside as the town lit up with the other residents waking up to the sunlight filtering over the horizon. After awhile the older man heard a commotion coming from his daughter's room, he figured the poor girl forgot about the day off and was attempting to get up in a rush, and soon after it went quiet again which signaled a small grin from Morrison. He got up to get himself another cup of his black coffee which he drank mostly for enjoyment than anything not needing the caffeine to wake up. He looked around the kitchen after a bit noticing there was a few things he would need to pick up later at the store once the afternoon hit, the owner tended to leave beforehand occasionally which had frustrated him the first couple times, but he was forgiving enough to let it go. Morrison waited an hour, not feeling hungry earlier, then the house would likely be filled up with the smell of his cooking which was good enough in his opinion and a damn sight better than some of the other residents could manage from what he could tell. The stove was busy with eggs and sausage with a stack of pancakes being created that made the older man's stomach growl while he prepared them. He made more than enough for himself and Audrey, as is his way to save leftovers for later, keeping some warming on the stove while he tore into his own plate. There was little left in the wake of the appetite of a hardworking man which usually resulted in him inhaling the food with the satisfaction of quelling the beast that is his stomach. Morrison took a walk around the property taking in the sea air for awhile and keeping clear of the town for as long as time would allow him. There was little about the town he thought about besides the tragedies that he linked it to which explained his solitary attitude towards most of the town, sure he needed to go there occasionally but he didn't have to like a second of it. He did however love the area around the town and even the old asylum which he kept going because they provided him meaning and largely an escape from the negativity the town itself had on his mind. It was almost immediately that he stopped thinking about it before heading back to his home to see if his daughter was up yet and if not he figured mentioning food would get her up, never did take much more to get his daughter up which reminded him that his sister would likely be coming over at one point or another.