[b][centre]Carnival of Chaos[/centre][/b] [img=http://www.cbc.ca/gfx/images/news/topstories/2012/09/29/hi-syria-aleppo-medieval-city-852.jpg] As Cristoff headed for the burning section of the town he couldn't help but notice when he'd crossed the metaphorical line, houses flattened and burning, bodies every which way dead or beyond help. Cristoff noticed a childs body and going to check it discovered, much to the regret of his stomach, that the head was a dozen feet over by the collapsed remains of a well that had provided water for that part of town. Those few who had survived were weeping and nursing the blackest wounds. Wounds which would fester and decay unless they could get the aid of a healer or physician with the proper herbs. Finally he would make his way to the blackened crater where the 'shooting gallery' was. Across the street in the ruined wall of a home Cristoff would discover his brothers blackened body, charred and missing limbs, but enough remained to identify him. Aneura emerges from the Warehouse with little issue in time to see the smoke in the sky and the flares fired by Cristoff into the air. The air of wrongness gone. The illusions banished. Shortly after Aneura emerges General Hanus approaches from his own quarter and offers Aneura a shoulder to lean on. "This is not good. Not good at all." --- [b][centre]Sarah's Request[/centre][/b] Eins fought to hold back the spiders with all her skill her blade severing two legs of the smaller spider closest to her (17+7.5 vs DC 10) it hissing hate at her. One of the larger spiders charged her and attempted its own strike against her (3, modifier not calculated) failing to get its legs to grip her as they all moved on the door. The Wights of the Drow Naream however moved forwards trying to get their own hits in (4 and 10 respectively) The second only just managing to strike a spider moving into the limited space but (11) it blocked the blow. Kasim (20 *Nat Crit, no modifiers calced*) fired his arrow at the first spider to show its ugly head and the shaft pierced the creatures forehead and it dropped to the ground flopping onto its back while its legs closed towards one another into a metaphorical cage. Another of the spiders, now able to see over it's deceased brethren spotted the two Drow. "Forget the white meats!" It screeched! "Drow animals are here! SLAY THE DARK MEATS! Pound the Slavers into ichor! Slay the Priestess of the Whore-goddess!" It seemed that not only were the Spiders intelligent, but exceptionally perceptive. Naream, at the limits of his power after summoning the Golem could only look down (14) and saw another four Giant Spiders climbing their way up from somewhere below as silently as they could. And as Naream saw them the gazes of all four turned to Naream himself. "Drow-meat!" One screeched and their climb redoubled in speed.