"The Wandering nation, right." Kayetan said dryly. If he had any doubts that Zinzie was not of the right frame of mind before, what he had just said removed them. While Kayetan had heard of The Wandering Nation before, and he had spoken to people who allegedly saw its people firsthand, most of those reports were unsubstantiated and any follow-up expeditions failed to find the elusive nation. The official Commonwealth stance was that The Wandering Nation did not exist, and Kayetan was inclined to agree. "A king, no less?" Kayetan asked, sounding ever so slightly amused. At the same time, he wondered if the man had suffered some sort of trauma to make him speak such words as if he really believed them. At that moment, he heard someone address him by his full name. Groaning inwardly, Kayetan turned to face whoever that had called him. It had to be a new record; it had barely been a day and already someone had noticed him. The woman he looked at was not exactly the kind of person he had been expecting to see, but he supposed that there was a first for all kinds of surprises. He wondered if this was some Geworian trick for a moment, but the woman executed the greetings carried out only by the clandestine elements of the Yaes Numir Seyur flawlessly. Kayetan relaxed slightly, but he did not completely let his guard down. He returned her gesture in the traditional Svekkern way, which was just a simple nod of acknowledgement alongside a thumping of the chest with his right fist. It was short, to the point and very, very Svekkern. "Go right ahead," He said and gestured to one of the empty seats. "What brings you to Lemea, if you do not mind me asking?" Zinzie then mentioned something about paying him with gold, and Kayetan decided that for now, he would play along to the best of his abilities. "I do not seek gold. I just seek adventure." Kayetan replied truthfully and looked the man up and down. He looked as if he was going to have a hard time getting bronze coin let alone paying someone in the amounts of gold he was describing. Just then, the waitress came by and set down a steaming bowl of plain, white porridge on the table. Kayetan handed her the money for the food and pushed the bowl over to Zenzie. "In any case, before we do anything, you should get some food in your stomach."